Monday, January 23, 2023

Quickies: The Fire Inside and Out

Sometimes, when I feel minorly distraught due to certain happenings (yesterday's "failed" event may be considered one such happening), I go on a self-introspection. There, I find the part of my body that burns with the desire to make things right at the earliest opportunity, and then try to make peace with it. Something else that burns is the Pokémon species of the Fire type, whose forms and behaviors are a varied lot, but they all burn brightly and hotly on the inside as they do on the outside. Given the present circumstances, I feel compelled to make a (quick) discussion out of them.

While the full details of how the Pokémon of this type generate their flames may not be known for the most part, including the ones that naturally arise as parts of their appendages, at least it may be considered that there is something inside that allows them to do so, and that may constitute a flame of some sort. It may not appear all that bright and hot on the inside, especially with the way one just views things from the outside, but the brilliance and hotness are wonderfully assured with the control that they possess over their inner "flame". Of course, for them, the flames are as close to tangible as they could be, while my "flame" is more spiritual and illustrative in nature.

In this situation, I'm also reminded of a music piece and composition by Yanni that is also quite appropriate: "The Flame Within". It's a dramatic piece that was also conceived during his "breakdown" period where it was difficult for him to put things into words. Such is the way I feel when I attempt to deal with that inner flame, while for the Pokémon that have their "realistic" inner flame, it may be something ordinary - perhaps leading to extraordinary - in the fulfillment of their lives. 

For (specific) Pokémon and people, then, it may be considered that they all have a certain flame within them, and the key to life and living is the control of that flame. The Pokémon certainly will be able to make use of that flame to change their environment, while the people will be able to make use of that flame to change themselves. The thing that burns inside may just be the thing for making a brilliant outside.

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