Thursday, January 12, 2023

A Solitary Pokémon Fantasy

At one point in time, I mentioned that I almost practically live in the "middle of nowhere", and the reason for that is the relative remoteness of where I live and what it takes to access the rest of society. It gets quite solitary and even lonesome at times, but I'm just fine with that. Furthermore, with Pokémon around, the solitude and loneliness is somewhat decreased. Recently, that situation has made me think of (and imagine) a Pokémon fantasy given such a situation of solitude similar to mine.

In that fantasy, there is a single house that is faintly lit up in the darkness. It looks quite unassuming, even with the various Pokémon that are encountered as one approaches the house. But as one does so and then enters the house, one then sees that the house is lively with all kinds of Pokémon, and at the heart of the house, there is its owner and caretaker, not to mention of the Pokémon inside and outside of the house. It's a short fantasy, but it does seem to approximate how things are with me and where I am.

While my house is not quite the single one around and may not have the illusion of being faintly lit, it does seem that the Pokémon presence can be felt as a person approaches it and then enters the house. Within it is where I take care of all my Pokémon memorabilia, collections, and whatnot, which maybe does approximate the physical presence of Pokémon species. It remains that I'm the solitary figure in this situation - with the exception of people who come to visit - and the fantasy becomes somewhat appropriate.

There is no changing the fact that where I live remains a place of relative isolation, and there's quite a bit that I'd have to do to go places, especially for the purpose of dealing with Pokémon things. But once I deal with them (and even bring back home a few Pokémon things), I return to a fantastic place where Pokémon is present. It still remains rather solitary in a human sense, but the presence of Pokémon makes that less so in an imagined sense. At least, the fantasy I detailed above makes that such an indication.

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