Wednesday, January 11, 2023

The Present Trouble with Indonesian VGC

At the end of last year, I noted that I consider problems in Pokémon to be my problem as well, even if I may be detached from it; having discussed one such problem yesterday, I want to follow it up with a different problem. In more recent times, I've become detached from VGC for the main series Pokémon games, but I feel I may still have something to say about it. Specifically, I'm prompted to discuss its state in my country of residence (Indonesia) with the state and conclusion of its big-time Pokémon event, for which in relation to VGC may indicate a present problem ("trouble") as well, some of which stem from its past.

The problem, if it may be considered as such, is that it's still just not very popular today, especially in comparison to more recent Pokémon happenings such as Pokémon Go, Pokémon Unite, and the localized TCG. The reason may be accessibility: all three of these are rather accessible at a lower cost - the last one especially now - whereas VGC (proper) requires a Nintendo console, which is considered a "premium" item in this part of the world, never mind the games themselves adding on to that "premium". It is then understandable that it was detached from the recent festival, aside from the ninth-generation starters appearing.

It doesn't help that in the past, one of its competitions had been involved in a quagmire. The "Premier Challenge", as it was called, was caught up in administration issues and had to be eliminated as a result. While the happening may not have had a bearing on the interest of Trainers in this field, it seemed to have brought up warning signs that VGC would need a lot of (and proper) support in order to become viable. Though this does apply to the other three areas above, it seems even more so for VGC.

Meanwhile, its competitors in the past have had to compete internationally, where VGC is more well-known and recognized, in order to obtain recognition and spots in the World Championships, which they have done so (likewise for the TCG before it became locally established). The support requirement in this case becomes somewhat evident, even if it had to be somehow independent for the above to occur; the quantity also has to be evidently large with such a situation. 

Even so and today, the VGC situation in the country appears to be lively even if it has to reside on the "subsurface". There are prominent Trainers, occurring competitions, and overall a warm sense of support. Those who play the main series games are invariably being given a "primer" of sorts for it, whether or not they eventually take up its demanding challenge. If they do so, then that means all the more support for it.

Popularity is not such a major problem ("trouble") for Pokémon, for which its media presence is known far and wide, even in my corner of the world. Its VGC competition, on the other hand, might beg to differ if the recent Pokémon festival - for which it seems natural - indicates its absence. Like any other Pokémon problem, it's one I take interest in even if I'm detached from it, and one that I would like to see being satisfactorily resolved for my VGC comrades.

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