Monday, January 9, 2023

The Post URLs on This Blog

Earlier at the beginning of the year, I discussed a few issues on this Pokémon blog that I've discovered and may deserve to be overhauled at some point. One of those issues is the domain name for this blog, which was recommended to be custom rather than generic with the content provider. The domain is of course one part of the URL for the posts on it, which becomes further specified to certain posts by whatever lies afterwards. Altogether, that's what I intend to discuss in its own separate post (this one) as it seems to have some weight.

The URLs for posts on this blog have a distinct structure: they are the year and the month of the posting after the domain, then the page for the post itself. Most of them are already clear, especially for posts with short titles, but longer ones may have odder ones. The reason for that is because they are likely the ones auto-generated from the post title by the content provider, and I didn't think about giving them a custom one even though I could; the reasons may be related to time as well as pure mindlessness. 

One reason I'm bringing this up is because like the custom domain issue, it may be regarded as a vital part of site management, one that may be lagging in some respects. Ideally, I may need to be doing it - putting a custom URL for every post - but it does seem like most of the ones that were auto-generated would have been what I put in anyway, and I become complacent and/or overlook the ones that really do need a custom URL.

It seems that, like with the same site management issues I discussed previously, my focus wasn't on them; rather, the focus was on the creation of content without having to be held back by technical issues. It was (and still is) something I consider important for the purpose of this blog. It is certain that technical issues are important as well, especially if they come up and need resolution... and it seems that may have happened.

Having this blog for six years and now onwards into its seventh year has made me realize how extensive my Pokémon interests are and my penchant for writing. With all the specific technical aspects that are involved, it also has made me realize how I may need assistance in resolving them, as with post URLs above. As I'm running around and dealing with Pokémon problems, it seems I may need to resolve my technical issues at the same time.

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