Sunday, October 9, 2022

Cosplay: Utsuru (for KJR)

Me: OK, this time, I want to approach things very differently, even though the title of this event - actually convention - should be familiar to you, Ash. Also, let's keep things down a bit.

Goh: Hmm? What's the reason?

Me: I'll explain that later, actually, after Ash gives details on what happened there.

Ash: This one hasn't shown up for a long time. What do you want me to do?

Me: Well, of course I want you to attend - and take part in the character parade. But this one starts very early, much earlier than you're used to.

Ash: So I came as you told me, and everything looked normal, but many people wore black, and there were Pyroar images in many places...

Pikachu: Pi, pi pi pika... ["Yes, lots of black..."]

Goh: Oh, something must have happened.

Me: Yes. Yes, it did. More on that soon. Anyhow, I realized that the last time I sent you here was four years ago, since I technically sent someone else three years ago. But I'm sure you will recognize many people even after times have changed.

Ash: Yeah. It's like everyone's here again. I'm glad to link you up like always.

Goh: I wasn't around back then. How's it like?

Ash: There's a lot of communities, and everyone's here for them.

Goh: And you, and other characters.

Me: Of course, since I'm responsible for sending Ash. This convention always has some kind of entertainment, and I'm sure you saw them.

Ash: I did, but it was kind of... simple? There were just a few dance cover groups and a guitar group that you know.

Goh: I'd like to have seen that guitar group.

Ash: You should. They play the guitar in a neat way.

Goh: It must be unique to have a music group of only guitars.

Ash: That's true. Oh yeah, there were no bands.

Goh: No bands? They really kept it simple.

Me: OK, so the entertainment being simple is relevant as well. And then there's the main thing for us, the character parade. How'd it go?

Ash: So, you had me with the special journey outfit. You wanted me to do something before I performed, and I did that. I also think it was good.

Goh: But was it good enough for the judges?

Ash: Not this time. Not with more than 40 characters and only 5 winners.

Pikachu: Pikachu. ["Didn't work."]

Me: That's OK. The odds were not with us. Anything else we should know?

Ash: Everything ended early, in the evening.

Goh: So an early start, and an early finish.

Me: At least you got back to me unscathed... mostly unscathed, at the least, with these rains.

Goh: OK, so tell us. What's with everything?

Ash: We'd like to know.

Pikachu: Pi-ka. ["Me too."]

Me: So, the reason for what you saw is that not far from here, hundreds of people died or got hurt in a nasty incident a week ago. That's why this convention changed its subtitle, which I've abbreviated with the place where the incident happened. Pyroar is an identifier for this.

Goh: That's really terrible.

Me: What's more terrible is that the convention happened to coincide with 7-day mourning even though it was planned well before, so the organizers had to change the theme and the content so the convention can go on.

Ash: That's why there were no bands - and now I understand what you told me to do. It's to pay respect to the victims. But the communities weren't different. Also, this reminds me of that one time you sent me to an event which was almost affected by some outside happenings.

Me: Exactly. From what you reported, it seems just as well. But I'm told they had to work with no extremely loud sounds, and of course the early start and early finish, plus wearing black and setting up donations.

Ash: That reminds me. I put in a small donation to help the victims. 

Me: That's good. Every little bit counts for them.

Goh: It's a shame the original plan for the convention couldn't get through. 

Me: Yes, and no. I've been told that they will attempt the original plan again later on.

Ash: I heard that too.

Me: You know, I'm told the organizer had two choices: reorganize the event, or reschedule (delay) it for another date. It seems that they didn't pick one or the other - they picked both instead.

Goh: I was just about to say that. That is a real class act of them. By doing both, they leave neither hanging. The ones being organized are OK, and so are the people to be.

Me: I like that. The people can enjoy the current plan, and then the original plan. That needs serious commendation. For now at least, it seems that we might just have our fill of events and conventions again, even if things aren't quite stable yet.

Ash: That's true. But we can always try. I found a saying at the convention: if you fall seven times, you get up eight times.

Goh: And things can and have to get better. Once I heard that tough times pass, but tough people (like us) survive.

Ash: I found that saying too. Looks like everyone thinks the same way.

Pikachu: Pika chu. ["Very similar."]

Me: We'd like to express our condolences to the victims and our hope for a bright future ahead.

Four years ago: What Pokémon Eat
Five years ago: Pokémon Jigsaw Puzzle

1 comment:

  1. Those who try to catch two rabbits at the same time, ends up catching none. I'm sure they've handled this as best as they could with the information currently at hand. However this doesn't stop some people from being disgruntled. Most of my friend outside of the city seems to agree that this isn't what we signed up for, and I share the same stance. There's also concern of Officer Jenny's intervention since the event's permit were nullified (Though now that worry seems to have been for nothing.) I myself feel it wouldn't be quite appropriate to play dress-up in a "mourning" event.


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