Saturday, October 1, 2022

Three September Wonders in the GBL

In September (last month), there were actually three new special formats for the GBL, which ran for a week each alongside one of the basic Leagues, which ran for two weeks. That is incidentally how things will continue to progress in the Season of Light in its two remaining months, this one and the next. But before going on ahead to what the rest of the season has to offer, it is good to review those PvP happenings from last month.

The first of those is called the Little Jungle Cup Remix, which is obviously a remix of the format introduced last year. The types and general restrictions are still the same, but as with other "remix" formats, there are limitations on what Pokémon can be brought in. Alongside Shuckle and Smeargle still being unallowed, Skorupi, Cottonee, and Ducklett as the three most-used Pokémon from the last run of the format are not allowed. Due to its introduction as well as disruption and accessibility concerns, Salandit is also not allowed. That leaves all the remaining Pokémon that aren't commonly used in this special format, which can still be daunting to find by the restrictions above.

Moving on to the second, there is the Psychic Cup. This one has the basis of the Great League, and in similar vein to the Fighting Cup, only Pokémon of the Psychic type are allowed, and there is one "hustler" Pokémon that is not allowed. That "hustler" would be Mew, a Pokémon known for its wide variety of moves in many Pokémon games - including this one - and adaptability; for that reason, it is disallowed. Fortunately, Psychic Pokémon are numerous today, and some of them (like Alolan Raichu and Galarian Rapidash) form a complement with another type, being Electric and Fairy respectively. But that also might create a selection and countering problem for this format.

And then, there is what is called the Weather Cup. The new format is unique, in that it makes use of the Ultra League as its basis - a breakthrough. For this format, the restrictions are based on types; Fire, Water, Rock, and Ice are the "focus types", with at least one of them needing to apply to the Pokémon being used. Because of the way the types are for this format, though, the Water type is arguably the most important, as it fends off two of the other three types and has minimal effect on the one other, while on the opposing end, the other types can't do much when faced against the Water type. Of course, as always, other types coupled with them will slightly complicate matters.

September was a nice month in starting the new Pokémon Go season along with all the twists and turns of the Go Battle League season along with it, and the first three of those twists and turns happened conveniently within the month. All of the introduced formats had something unique going for them, and they can only be described as "wonders" - as if the titular season doesn't already suggest that such "wonders" can and will occur, early on in this case.

One year ago: Everyone's MOBA?
Three years ago: Renewing the Anime

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