Sunday, October 23, 2022

Cosplay: CyFest 2022

Goh: Oh nice! Another event.

Me: Yes, and this one should be really nice - or rather, we have to make it that way.

Ash: I'm ready. So, whatcha got?

Pikachu: Pika chu? ["What's up?"]

Me: So, this is actually a follow-up to the gathering that took place last month. The "cyber" part is still relevant because that's the "Cy" in "CyFest". It even happens in the same place.

Goh: So it'll be the same?

Me: Take a look at the schedule, compared to the last time.

Ash: Wow, it really is the same! Almost.

Me: Right, but we still have to make it different. The concept is already slightly different as it's part of the anniversary celebration of the venue. For us, for one, you'll also be performing, not just in the character parade, but also to sing. 

Ash: Awesome!

Me: What's even more awesome is that you don't compete for that; you're essentially a guest performer. So you can relax and let loose as you do your best.

Goh: That's neat!

Pikachu: Pika pika! ["It is neat!"]

Me: Since we're not under pressure, we can afford to do something new for that. How about... "XY&Z"?

Ash: I've always wanted to know when you'll send me with that! Kalos outfit it is, then.

Me: And... the people want you to sing two songs. So let's just go with "Mezase Pokémon Master" for the second song. Easy, doable, universal.

Ash: I like the sound of that. All set.

Me: For two, I'm pretty sure they've learned lessons from organizing the first one, and that means there are and should be changes.

Ash: Like you telling me to go really early to avoid the rain, and in the end, it did rain later on.

Me: That's an important change, on our part. What can you tell me about their part?

Ash: Now it's held downstairs on the stage that's over there.

Goh: You know, that's what things should have been for the first one.

Ash: Maybe they thought not many people would come back then, so they set it up for the little stage, but then things happened.

Me: I would think that's the case. So, anyway, um... you're up first for the singing performance. How'd you do?

Ash: Um... I messed up the bridge a little for "XY&Z". But the rest was fine though! The other song was OK.

Me: Hmm. Good thing this wasn't a competition, but at least we tried; it's a good practice for one. We can do better next time - and we have to, if it's going to be for a competition. A valiant effort for the first time.

Pikachu: Pi, pika pika. ["Well, it's still good."]

Goh: Oh yeah! And the character parade?

Ash: Pikachu and I did fine, but... maybe it was a little short?

Me: Maybe I should have given you more pointers. Sorry about that. Lots of things going on, including getting you prepared for "XY&Z". And I guess that didn't pan out, huh.

Ash: There were many characters in the parade, and only four winners.

Goh: Guess it really didn't work out. But the event did, right?

Ash: There were lots of people like last time and the one before, so yeah. This was a success - like last time, but lots better.

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["A success!"]

Me: Well, even if we can't get "XY&Z" to work out perfectly right now, at least something else did.

Ash: Yeah! We'll have to give it our best next time.

Me: I'll be sure to do that while I get other things in order.

Goh: And that wraps up another good day. Short, but good.

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