Sunday, September 25, 2022

Cosplay: Mini "Cyber" Gathering

Me: Um, so. I want to preface this event/convention discussion with a little "Let's Talk", like we did last time.

Goh: This sounds important. What do you have in mind?

Me: I also want to discuss things - or rather, issues - around them, in addition to what's coming, with you two.

Ash: I understand. I know there's still some problems with you sending me to places, so we still need to keep them in mind.

Pikachu: Pi... ka chu. ["*sigh*... Still is."]

Me: I know. It's hard for me too. So, what do you think is the biggest problem in going to events or conventions today?

Goh: The crowds. It's a big problem with bad, invisible things going around, even when you think it's safe. I mean, take a look at this that I found yesterday. [shows crowd pictures]

Me: Oh dear. That's nasty. It brings back bad feelings, in more ways than one.

Ash: I'll say! For me it's the people who run them. I know most of the ones you send me to are good by good people, but now we know some things aren't what they appear to be, like that one time.

Me: Um... yes. It makes me sad about that too. I'm afraid that it may have caused some of my friends and me to drift apart. We've tried our best, but I guess some things can't be avoided.

Goh: What about you? What's your problem?

Me: My problem is miscommunication. I understand that things change and people make mistakes, but they shouldn't make things go out of control. At that point, something is really wrong with the communication.

Ash: That's bad, but we can deal with it like we always do.

Me: Yeah, you're right. OK, on to this event. It's supposed to be a small thing by the same people who ran the same celebration from last time.

Goh: That should be neat. I followed on it, and I know there's been a few issues that came up - maybe like you said, a miscommunication issue - but it should be good.

Me: But first, I also had you on a detour to meet with another group of my friends to discuss some things. How was that?

Ash: You might need to think about them - I'll leave that up to you. But it can be good if we can make it good.

Pikachu: Pi, pika chu. [Yes, should be good.]

Me: OK. What about the event?

Ash: I almost ran late to get into the parade because my friends were late, but I got in. But the crowd was like you wouldn't believe! Isn't this supposed to be "mini"?

Me: It's supposed to be. I thought it would be just characters, a few people, and some interaction.

Goh: But it looks like it wasn't with all the people. It must be all the buzz from the issues that led to everyone attending.

Me: Looks to be so, Goh. Anyway, how was the parade?

Ash: It was fun, but I took it easy for you. I had my "special journey" outfit and that was all. I couldn't do much else with the crowd and I almost missed the group photo because of something that changed.

Me: Hmm. And how'd things go with the results?

Ash: Nothing for me this time. Maybe it was because it was too simple. But the people who run it have something to give to you that you missed from last time.

Pikachu: Pi pika! ["Here you go!" - hands over a package]

Me: Thanks - I'll take a look at that myself later on.

Goh: So, it seems that all of the above issues - at least to some amount - were in this one as well. But it looks like you two dealt with them.

Me: Yeah, I guess you could say that. Still, I wish I didn't have to have Ash deal with them. If only things were simpler and times weren't as uncertain.

Ash: I'm sure it'll be OK! With Pokémon, we can do anything.

Goh: And that's obviously you, like it is for the both of us.

Pikachu: Pika, pika pika chu! ["Yes, we can do this!"]

Me: Thanks, guys. Let's see how we can make things work for us later on.

Three years ago: A Raid Split?
Five years ago: Enhancements in Shuffle

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