Thursday, September 8, 2022

Like a Headless Torchic... or Pokémon

Today, I've had one of those days where it seems I needed to be running around for a lot of things, including a couple of Pokémon ones. In doing so, I also felt like I'm losing my mind as I'm being forced to rush for those things. It's as if I was a "headless chicken" in that way, obviously based on a particular real-world example. Of course, in the Pokémon world, there are no chickens - but there are Pokémon species of the Torchic family, and the real situation adapts to and with this state of affairs including Pokémon.

Unfortunately, the real-world example is rather gruesome and is too far off a tangent from Pokémon, so I won't get into that too much. Rather, it makes one behave like the situation itself, maybe a little like riding the bicycle with accelerated movement while playing the early main series games: going so fast that one bumps into lots of different things, sometimes without heed and being forced to go around and around. That's what today felt like, being demanded to go places while losing caution to certain things.

For those who watch the anime, they will recognize that May's Torchic suffered much of the "headless" symptoms early on in its career. It kept running into things, it couldn't do some things properly, and it became a "problem Pokémon" in general, much like other characters had theirs. That too is an appropriate descriptor for the way that things went today for me: being forced to run and bump, and sometimes not doing things as well as they should be done.

In that sense, being in the "headless Torchic" state is not about being literally having no head, but about losing one's mind - in this specific case, losing my mind. In being forced to rush around like on a bicycle, hitting into a lot of issues (figuratively), and losing track of the proper ways of doing things, I'm in that "headless" state. It's even affected the way I do things here on this blog - though that also relies on a half-mindful and half-mindless secret for doing things.

Much has happened today in that "headless" or mindless state or while being forced in that state, and much more may or may not be about to happen. The least I can do is to try to avoid that state, though at times doing this would be hard. Regardless, that state of being "headless" can be described in terms of Pokémon, specifically that of the "chick" family above. I may just need to knock some sense back into my head - and Torchic's too.

Two years ago: Pokémon Documentaries?
Three years ago: The New Flavors of Pokémon
Four years ago: Other Uses of Pokémon Go
Five years ago: Incubators in Pokémon Go

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