Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Pokémon Go Event Rollup, 9/27/2022

For lack of a better description, this month's mixed bag of events in Pokémon Go may be said to be "up high" and "down low" in different ways. Both of the characteristics apply equally well to this month's major or considerably major events, whose "major" qualities are determined according to specific considerations. Apart from that, the events are still unique to be discussed somehow in a rollup, and so that becomes the purpose of this post today.

The month began with the return of the Psychic Spectacular from September 6 to 12, which is evidently the celebration of fantastic beings who may just have the capability of lifting themselves into the air. The primary feature of this edition was Alakazam: its Mega Evolution debuted at this time, and it also had the Charged Move of Psychic when caught or evolved into. Meanwhile, Deoxys in all of its forms and a few Unown forms made their way into raids, with the former also having a Raid Day on September 11. Shiny Elgyem was another debut, helped by a Timed Research set featuring the species as rewards. Needless to say, Psychic-type Pokémon were all over the wild, raids, Field Research task rewards, and even 7 km Eggs, making this one even more "spectacular" and "uplifting".

On September 10, there was also a special "interlude" of sorts with the "Clefairy in the Moonlight" event. The event was dead simple with increased appearances of said Pokémon from 6 PM to 9 PM local time. Though it was that simple, the background of the event is a little more complicated. In the northern hemisphere, there is a thing called the "Mid-Autumn Festival", which falls exactly on that date this year, so the event is a way of commemorating that without mentioning that explicitly. Beyond the confines of that festival, the moon being high up in the sky is still a reason to celebrate, nonetheless for the concern of all the Clefairy. It was a special interlude regardless, and a high one at that.

A new kind of event took place from September 16 to 21, this time going "down to earth" with a very heavy type of Pokémon. It's called "Test Your Mettle", and appropriately, it has metal Pokémon - that is, of the Steel type. Likewise, they were present in the wild, raids, Field Research task rewards, and 7 km Eggs, with some particular distinctions. Togedemaru debuted, appearing in the wild and as Field Research task rewards. Two Ultra Beasts made themselves present in raids in different hemispheres, Kartana in the north and Celesteela in the south. Mega Aggron also became the focus Mega Evolution, also debuting at this time. Tying up everything were Candy (XL) bonuses, Mega Energy bonuses, and a Timed Research set. The grave matter really gave everyone a reason to get back down to earth.

Starting today (and ending on October 3), the Fashion Week event returns. This time, it brings about the debuts of the Mareanie species family, Shiny Furfrou, Shiny Yveltal, and a number of new "fashionable forms", including of Toxicroak and the Diglett family as well as some Shiny ones. As usual, these dapper-looking Pokémon all appear in the wild, raids, Field Research task rewards, and 7 km Eggs, ready to grace the contents of the Pokémon storage of Trainers. A Timed Research set gives fashionable Trainers something to work on, photo bomb encounters give some nifty-looking surprises, and new Trainer fashion items bring everything together for Trainers and their Pokémon to look great - which should "go down well" with everyone.

In essence, this month on the front of Pokémon Go events, things were up and then things were down. But that was in a good way, as the events brought those uplifting and "downhome" things for the interests of every Trainer. Whether they returned or are uniquely new, the events continued to be a mixed bag of major things and minor details that even at a glance are worthy to be pulled all together this month to see their general picture.

Three years ago: 1000 Posts!!!
Four years ago: Meet Meltan

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