Monday, September 26, 2022

The Original Dance Mix

The journey's just begun
For the better
Team Rocket's on the run
They're friends forever...
-- "Pokémon (Dance Mix)"

Trends come and go in the realm of (dance) music - for those who keep up with the times, there's a certain "electronic" quality about it in the current time. Meanwhile, before current times, there had been the trend of rave for aspiring dance music. Pokémon seems to have not been a stranger to the dance music of the past, and this tune was conceived - on the English side - during its infancy.

As a neat Pokémon tune, it comes out of the selection of tunes that is the 2B A Master album, which has other tunes of specialness or importance to Pokémon, for the early years and beyond. And so it is "dance music" in its own right; it has slow "trance" sections with faster "rave" sections and what could even be considered a "breakdown" in the middle. And all throughout, there are the lyrics, for which the above is only the first part.

In a way, those lyrics also affirm things that are now perennially recognizable aspects of Pokémon: journeys, adventures, friends, teams (including the nefarious Team Rocket), and secrets or mysteries. Customarily, there is also the implicative "pursuit of the best" that is now standard regardless of the form that Pokémon takes up. It almost "goes beyond" this one-time "snapshot" of Pokémon in dance music form.

Fast-forward over two decades later, and trends have continued the coming and going process in dance music and other music. But what has become plainly obvious is that Pokémon and all its elements have managed to survive beyond something that is trendy, even though there have been changes in the forms for its enjoyment. Still, the courting of Pokémon with dance music as above has yielded a snapshot that applies well then as it does now.

Three years ago: The Name of the Game
Five years ago: Strong Opinions

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