Thursday, September 15, 2022

Pokémon Moe Gijinka: To Love and Be Loved

Some pop culture phenomena conceivably (and inevitably) also apply or become applicable to Pokémon. This is especially true for Japanese pop culture phenomena due to their proximity to Pokémon itself. One of those phenomena, as expected by the title of this post, is called moe gijinka. It's a distinct phenomenon that concerns characters and attraction for them, which is why I've affixed the subtitle as above. And as expected, Pokémon has a thing or two in relation to it.

What is moe gijinka actually? This phenomenon involves the creation of human likenesses for non-human or inanimate things - specifically, cute girly representations for those things. Those who are exposed to this phenomenon will likely have seen it in action in relation to operating systems or web browsers, which have their own well-known set of cute girly representations. Virtually any kind of non-human or inanimate object may be given a moe gijinka representation, and this is telling of the segue into Pokémon.

For Pokémon, it means that the species can and do have moe gijinka representations, regardless of the fact that they might be of both genders, not just female as the phenomenon makes them out to be. They may be likened as a "humanoid representation" or "form", although they're by far not the only humanoid representation or form, and in contrast to the fact that some Pokémon are already in humanoid form. Regardless, the phenomenon makes them out to be even more lovable and sweet, if they aren't already as such.

In fact, this is the case for one of my friends who likes Sylveon, as I've mentioned such a long time ago. That friend of mine in particular also enjoys the moe gijinka representations of said Pokémon, and can even be said to be attracted to them. In a different case, I've had friends who cosplayed moe gijinka representations of certain Pokémon, though I confess that I somehow missed the moment that they actually did this, and I would have actually loved to mingle with them with my own Pokémon cosplay flavor.

Attraction is evident when it comes to people and even characters of the female gender. The phenomenon of moe gijinka makes that even more so, in particular for things that aren't even human in the first place, which evidently applies very well for certain Pokémon species. It has been said that love is a many-splendored thing, and in the case of of moe gijinka and specifically that which is related to Pokémon, it seems that the splendor is quite imaginatively deep.

Five years ago: Am I Writing-Challenged?

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