Thursday, September 22, 2022

Teams in Café Remix

There is yet another key part to the workings of Pokémon Café Remix, and it's a unique one at least in comparison to its predecessor Pokémon Shuffle. Each player is demanded to be part of a team with other players and cooperate for certain objectives, including to earn specific rewards. That aspect alone is important, but there are also other important aspects that are helpful to be explained for further understanding.

A team consists of up to 30 players, and one is demanded to join (or even create) a team after beginning play in Café Remix. Afterwards, if one feels to be underperforming in a team (or else the others are underperforming), then one may choose to leave and join another team. Each team also has a code that makes this purpose easier. It should be noted (as a warning) that some teams may have order requirements, be unlisted (that is, "not public"), and/or require approval, so one has to be absolutely sure before committing such an undertaking. 

Each of the members in a team don't have to be friends with each other (a point that might take even longer to explain), and that's likely the case anyway: friend codes of other members of the team cannot be seen even on the Teams section accessed from the main screen. What one can see, however, is the achievements of the other members, including how long it has been since their last login, which becomes important as a member who is not active for 30 days will be removed from the team and will need to find another.

One perk of joining a team is being able to request for extra Stamina Shards (up to five at a time) over roughly one-day periods, which are then contributed by five of the other members. This is the first thing one sees when one brings up the Teams screen, so it's rather accessible and encouraging. Those who are particularly active will likely to contribute often, which can and should be responded appropriately. The extra Shards can also be accumulated without having to deplete from the maximum of five without recovery.

Most importantly, being on a team allows one to participate in what are called "team events". In this kind of event, everyone on the team contributes what are called "event points" by completing orders (including training orders), and after reaching certain point thresholds, all the members of the team can then reap rewards - recently, after they have been ensured of making their point contributions as well. It represents a collaborative effort that means many things for everyone on a team, and therefore contribution is necessary.

Joining a team is necessary as dictated by the game, but that necessity if managed well is absolutely rewarding, whether for just quick progressions (with extra Stamina Shards) or in the overall grand picture (with team events). Some efforts of contributions will still have to be made to ensure that contributions can then return, but that just becomes another incentive for playing that is as unique as it is important.

Three years ago: Cosplay: GACOS LEVELUP
Five years ago: Riot of Pokémon Color

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