Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Inventiveness vs. Misunderstanding

Every day, I'm astounded to find out just how deep Pokémon matters can go. For example, there is a certain term that pertains to the main series games that is well-known among some players (Trainers), but I've never given it much thought myself. It was only when a discussion about it, and a particular situation involving it, came up online explaining its particular details and specific matters that I've given it some thought and thereby have decided to put it up as a discussion on this blog, as Pokémon matters are also my matters.

However, over the course of that discussion, it became apparent that the term had a dicey side about it, even considered "illegal" by the perspectives of some people. I've chosen not to mention the term in this post, but those who follow Pokémon matters as close as I do or even closer should recognize it. Even so, based on the discussion (and the "controversy" that goes along with it), I've determined that the situation is the result of pitting the two themes mentioned in the title of this post: inventiveness against misunderstanding. They're significant themes that apply equally well to the current Pokémon matter as they do to life in general.

For the "inventiveness" side of the matter, the term really does have that in spades. It's tantamount to a challenge and definitely a creatively designed variant of gameplay for the main series games. I'm no stranger to challenges in playing those games, and I've even instituted one of my own in the past. In fact, the challenge that is referred to by the term in its implementation requires no more than willpower to implement, and certainly no special tools that make it "illegal". Yet it seems that the people who perceive it to be as such have missed something along the way, and that leads to the other theme of "misunderstanding".

Regarding that, I'm no stranger to it either. I've explained figments of imagination that were misunderstood as reality or wanting to make them real, and explained facts that were misunderstood as initiators of violent situations. With that, one may still wonder why I have a Pokémon blog if the possibility of misunderstanding is rampant in my personal case. For that, I still believe that through my posts, I can elucidate Pokémon matters without causing further instances of misunderstanding, or to decrease those instances, especially for the matter which I'm addressing and I consider to have had its share of misunderstanding.

I've conferred the matter to a fellow Pokémon player (Trainer) who happens to be of renown in the VGC realm and has in fact been involved with the matter at least once. The person has effectively confirmed that the perspective of the matter above is plainly a mistake and therefore misunderstanding. Yet, I still opt for not using the term until the misunderstanding is cleared up, because by my experience, existing misunderstanding will only breed more of that until it is cleared up, and this matter has the makings of being able to create further misunderstanding that could threaten me, other people, and even Pokémon in general.

As far as Pokémon matters go, the one I've explained above really does go deep. It embodies a creatively challenging spirit that is unfortunately mired up in misunderstanding to a certain extent. Having had to think of it through the online discussion after having not previously needed to think of it, I consider it important to make the discussion myself on this blog in the hope that it can one day be cleared up to allow me to discuss it further than I can right now. At that point, the matter can only become more astounding than ever before.

Four years ago: A New Age of EX Raids
Five years ago: To Teach and To Delight

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