Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Pokémon Go Community Day Goodies, Round 5

I've been putting up these roundups of Pokémon Go Community Day goodies since I've started to participate in the organized regional meetups, and that has been a great thing. By now, though, the goodies have become standard and there haven't been anything majorly new; meanwhile, the most interesting ones that I haven't got have only been reserved for contest winners, and I haven't had the best results in them. Owing to the above, I've decided that the current one will be last regular one, after which the roundups will be intermittent. Before that can happen, it's time to go over what I got from Sunday's edition of the event.

And... evidently, things have not been much different. Returning from the previous edition is the poster, which by now can be considered to be standard. This time, everything that is expected to be on the poster is present - the logo, the event emblem, the phone silhouette, the disclaimers, and of course the featured Pokémon of Roggenrola for this month. An overstock of posters from past editions is still the norm, particularly this month as it is not that "popular"; this has been mitigated by ordering less this time around, but regardless, there are still many from the previous months to go around - perhaps if more Trainers came.

In the previous edition, I continued to obtain the regular postcard and the Niantic sticker; that remains the case this time. Presently, though, there are returning goodies from the edition before the last. That would be the generic Community Day sticker and the Niantic postcard, for which this time I've opted to display the back side of the latter this time - the front remains the same as it was two months ago. And that's pretty much it this time; like two months ago, water bottles and pennants were distributed... but only for contest winners, as I've noted earlier. Only a future Community Day might tell if I stand the chance to obtain either.

As can be seen above, the goodies have more or less become the same, aside from the poster and the content that is present on it, which is tailored to each individual edition of Community Day. They are certainly nice to obtain on a regular basis, but at the same time, it would be nice to have some different (yet still pertinent) offerings from time to time. The water bottles and the pennant are great in this regard, even if they can only be obtained by winning the contests for which they are offered as prizes. Otherwise, it might be time to come up something new to make things at least a little more attractive as further editions continue to develop.

It has been five editions, and with things remaining mostly the same throughout, I do feel the need to step back and not make it as regular. Of course, that doesn't mean it will stop; as the posters are unique and there's still a chance for earning the stuff I didn't get, I can cover those in an "ad hoc" edition along with new things that may have been gotten since. As well, I'll still attend the regular Community Day meetups for that purpose, for beyond the merchandise and all the aspects within the game, there is certainly the community who I look forward to meet and share our interests for Pokémon and whatever lies in the horizon for that.

One year ago: To Be a Snorlax
Three years ago: The Friendly Manual

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