Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Pokémon Go Community Day Goodies, Round 3

Thanks to Ash being sent to this month's edition of Community Day, I received more of the goodies for the officialized local gathering, as with the previous two editions. By now, it can be expected that the gathering, when made as such, will have its share of goodies to be distributed among those who are present (early). Further parallels can also be made across the goodies that have been received, but at the same time, there may still be some differences, and that remains something to be highlighted even now.

Some of the stuff is still the same this time around. The poster, Community Day postcard, and Niantic sticker are the same, though there are important differences for the very first one. The poster is of course appropriate for the current edition, which has the featured Pokémon of Starly. However, it does have one exceptional missing detail: the Pokémon Go logo is absent, whereas in previous editions it has always appeared on the top of the "phone silhouette". It seems whoever made the image for this month's edition considered it an afterthought, unlike previous months. Still, a poster is better than nothing, and this time, this is the only poster I received; the others, which I already have, remain the overstock now and later on for those who may not have gotten them.

New from and for this month's edition are a few of the items in front. I received the generic Community Day sticker for not just Pokémon Go but other Niantic games, which is still neat despite its "vibe" just like the plain Niantic sticker above. Beside it are the two pins for the local national Pokémon Go association and Niantic itself, of which the former can be said to have an important consulting role in making things happen for the official gathering. Then there's the Niantic postcard, which is an actual postcard with the back mostly empty and only containing the slogan of "Go Outside and Play"; this one seems to be very much useful for that very purpose without worrying about the code on the back. Overall, they're neat additions and ones I'm glad to have.

Meanwhile, there are other items offered in this edition that I (still) didn't get. One of those is the cloth banners - or rather, flags or pennants - which this time were offered as a low IV Shiny contest prize, though these went to great Trainers who deserved them, perhaps more than I do at present time. On the other end, the high IV Shiny contest featured prizes of water bottles, but in my case... understandably so. In either case, one prize for each had to be decided by random draw since two Trainers each had two of the same IV. Then, Trainers who hadn't been gifted or bought the paid Special Research could stand to earn a postcard with a code for that Special Research, or just the code itself for later attendees. All these are remarkable and may be in my cards at some point.

All the merchandise above for this month's edition are still great, even if a few of them are still the same or have the same spirit. But then that's the way Community Day goes in Pokémon Go, as with the spirit of mostly the same framework, one can still obtain great results in the form of Pokémon species with great or interesting moves. In that sense, it's still worthwhile to participate in future officialized local gatherings to gather with people, gather Pokémon, and gather up the goodies that result from that.

Five years ago: Movie Times

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