Friday, July 8, 2022

Converting Non-Fans to Pokémon Fans

It's always the case that there are fans and non-fans of any element of pop culture, including Pokémon. They like (fans) or disregard (non-fans) certain elements for certain reasons. Yet in many cases, people's minds are malleable, and they may then become fans of something they initially were non-fans of, which would constitute a positive turnaround, something I've discussed in the past. Such would also be the case for Pokémon, which likely has non-fans that can be converted to become fans, and that makes for an intriguing discussion.

Like any introductory process, it may be helpful to start small and slow. For heading into Pokémon, it may suffice to start with a single game that captures its strongest essence. Pokémon Go is certainly accessible in this regard as an adventure anyone can take part in relatively easily; the advent of Pokémon Unite becomes something that may be preferable for those who enjoy a combat based approach that is very popular today. Other games may be possible, though it depends on one's interests. Similarly, for a non-game approach, one could start with the anime or collect a few kinds of Pokémon merchandise, which would "snowball" into the rest. With these and over time, the conversion progress can be initiated.

As for the hallmarks of success of that process, that may just manifest in very different ways. The converted fan is likely to be receptive of anything related to Pokémon, even ones that weren't part of what was liked at the beginning. The fan would also be likely to continue collecting things related to Pokémon, affirming this aspect as one of the "four pillars". The most telling sign, and likely one that indicates that the conversion process is close to or has fully reached completion, is the presence of Pokémon in everyday life... exactly the impetus that led me to start this very blog and social media efforts related to it.

The point of the matter is that people can and do change, possibly growing to like something that they were indifferent to before. In the case of Pokémon, that would mean being converted to become a real fan of it, possibly with many aspects after starting out from a few and being involved to great extents. It's an amazing thing about today's pop culture, especially Pokémon as part of that, and the process of liking and enjoying it is fascinating.  

One year ago: Every Word Is a Prayer
Two years ago: Dream of Pokémon Life
Three years ago: "I Could Tell You, But..."
Five years ago: Pursuing Shiny?

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