Sunday, July 31, 2022

The Long and Short of Titles, Again

Around two years ago, I had wrote a post about the titles of posts on this blog, which for that month tended to be long, being at least two lines as seen on the desktop site. This time, the same thing has happened, but now it applies for all posts this month, including this one. Some might regard it as being on purpose, and that's true to some extent. But most of that can be said to have happened naturally as a consequence of the Pokémon things I'm involved in, and that's still as fitting then as it is fitting now.

For example, it is almost certain that anything related to Community Day for Pokémon Go will have a title of at least two lines, especially if I have to mention the full formal name of the event, which at that point the situation becomes guaranteed; that has happened three days in a row this month, each with different aspects. I consider to have invested (and divested) myself in Community Day, and it will certainly be a part of my regular posts now and in the future, as a series of posts.

Speaking of post series, I now have more of them than I did two years ago, and in general in the early days when I started this blog. Any post series will conceivably have the title (format) of that post series in the post title, and that means they will certainly take up (at least a part of) one line, with the possibility of two lines being rather likely. Even something like the "Quickies" series will have a longish title due to what it might entail about real life and Pokémon life, as that is the very intent of the post series.

Looking at the posts I've made in previous years, the same correspondence of post content becoming longer due to "finding my voice" may be made for post titles as well. I've found my voice to write longer posts than what I started out with since then and all the way up to now, and shorter titles may not capture all the essences of those longer posts. So, it therefore would make sense that the titles have to be longer as well in order to do just that and complement my posts.

In short (ahem), long post titles on this blog (and this month in particular) arise naturally and necessarily just as much as intentionally. I have covered so much of Pokémon - and so much more I've yet to cover - over the years, and as I do, I can stand to cover even more and in longer stretches of text, and that seems to apply equally well for the content that lies within the posts as well as the titles that describe them. This month's long(er) post titles may just be the current proof of that happening.

Three years ago: Mythical Numbers?
Four years ago: To Watch a Movie

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