Sunday, July 10, 2022

Go Battle Events on Different Timescales

Since its introduction nearly two years ago, Go Battle Night (and subsequently Day, which in general I refer to here as "event") in Pokémon Go have become anticipated events for gaining as much progress as possible in Go Battle League. It also continues to develop, particularly over the two days of today and yesterday - more info on that later on. Further developments may constitute variants to its timescale and to some extent frequency as well, and discussion of those possibilities is what I wish to tackle in this post.

While the event has upscaled over time, a downscale might be worth looking into, even going back to its "night" roots. Given the troubles that I and many others have had, the frequency might have to be downscaled as well, perhaps half the battles (50 total over 10 sets of five) for a specific period. And it doesn't have to be at night as well; it could be in the afternoon, for example, and be styled like a Community Day but adapted to its battle orientation, which is likely to be a solo effort. This downscaling might just be possible and workable.

The current upscaling of two days actually features no change to its frequency of 100 battles each day, but that is offset by the fact that everyone might be devoting efforts on other things besides and in addition to the GBL; again, more on this to come later. Still, it does seem like such a waste to maintain the frequency while other things are going on, and it feels that 60 battles (12 sets each day) is rather sufficient to not allow Trainers to get sidetracked from other objectives they may have to complete alongside battling in the GBL, even if that's still key.

A greater upscaling to a week may have to consider that a Trainer might battle up to 250 times, with a Go Battle event included in its current form. A possible weekly event might have a frequency of 35 battles (7 sets) a day, with this being doubled on weekends, to compensate for whatever else a Trainer might be doing. Trainers would have to be able to perceive this as not something to bust through but perhaps to battle as needed, and the overarching event for the week needs to be able to contribute to that perception.

It cannot be denied that a Go Battle event (Night, Day, and beyond) still contributes greatly to a Trainer's progress in GBL, but other events in the future - and Trainers participating in them - might demand something that's more suitable for their demands. The development of this event has been well worth it from six hours in a day to become the entire day, and it deserves similar developments in the future that are anticipated for their chances at GBL progression as well as other progressions Trainers may have in Pokémon Go.

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