Saturday, July 16, 2022

Cosplay: Community Base Party

Me: OK, so the next few days might get a bit busy for us, and that starts with this event.

Goh: It's a party! It should be fun!

Ash: Yeah! And I'm going!

Pikachu: Pi pika chu! ["With me!"]

Me: And I know last time I said things might be the last, but just like things were when everything began to drop, there might be a couple of extra chances to show off, so we have to take advantage of them.

Ash: That's fine! Anything for you and Pokémon.

Goh: So, you've got to tell me what the deal is with this party.

Me: OK, so this party is pretty much a community gathering. Several communities are (or were) invited over three days, and today's the last day. And today, of course, lots of characters were invited.

Goh: What are the other communities like?

Me: There are a couple of biking communities - which I like - but I think one that might interest you, Goh, is photography.

Goh: Well, I need to take a lot of pictures for research, but I guess they can have some artistic value.

Me: Sure enough, I would agree. But the photography community was on the other two days, so we missed it. One of the biking communities is supposed to be today.

Ash: When I was there, I saw them. They did things that I'm sure you'd like to do.

Me: That's beyond the scope of our discussion, but sure, why not.

Goh: Maybe next time we'll see the photographers.

Me: I hope so. Anyway, today we have the characters, which is where Ash comes in.

Ash: Yeah! So we're in this thing, and you sent me with my Hoenn outfit, which is different from the "our journey" outfit from last time.

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["Me too!"]

Me: Yes, you too, Pikachu. So how was it like?

Ash: It was totally like last time! It had a parade and a little performance, but everything happened later. I liked the parade, but...

Me: There must have been an issue.

Ash: I wish the people were clearer about what they wanted us to do and helped keep us in line. Even I felt a little confused with all the people and the loud noises.

Me: I sympathize. If they went through all the trouble of rounding everyone up, they should keep them in line as best as possible.

Goh: It seems there's always something that goes on when you send Ash.

Me: It's always like that. But we deal with it. OK, how was the little performance?

Ash: I think I did great! Pikachu and I really showed things off. But...

Me: Let me guess, the same clarity issues.

Pikachu: Pi pika, pika chu? ["What's with them today?"]

Ash: They seemed like they couldn't make up their mind about being on stage and off stage for photos.

Me: That's vital to know and not to be confused about.

Goh: Forget Ash, I would be confused myself.

Me: Quite the case. After all that, how were the results?

Ash: They had parade winners chosen this time! I wasn't one of them. One of the five performance winners weren't me either.

Goh: That's a bit of a disappointment.

Me: True, but we'll just have to not think about it too much.

Ash: I had lots of fun, and I even connected with your character friends and other friends, but the event wasn't too special.

Goh: I think it's still special in a lot of ways. Getting together is special, and so is performing.

Me: I would agree with Goh. It's the little things like this that still make it special.

Ash: I guess you're completely right.

Pikachu: Pi pika. ["Totally."]

Me: Oh yeah, speaking of get-togethers, I'm planning something radical, and that would be for tomorrow.

Goh: Oh, this should be fun!

Ash: What could it be?

Me: Find out as tomorrow unfolds and spreads its wings.

Two years ago: Starting from Somewhere
Three years ago: Pokémon Go Version 1?
Four years ago: Daily Tasks

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