Sunday, June 26, 2022

Cosplay: Outfest 2022

Me: Didn't think it was going to be so soon after the last one, huh?

Ash: Wow! It's neat that there's another one. But are you sure it's OK?

Pikachu: Pi pika? ["Is it OK?"]

Me: It's OK, at least for now. More on this shortly.

Goh: This one has to be real different.

Me: It is, and it's what I usually send Ash to do. He's here to have fun, and that means I have fun too - that, and so we can try our luck with the competition.

Goh: Oh! What kind of competition?

Me: This time, there's a parade and a partial performance. It's not always as simple as it looks, and there are often many characters in it - hence, try our luck.

Ash: Hey, you never know what might happen!

Me: That's a truth. OK, so I'm told this is just a clothing bazaar, but they have competitions to make it lively.

Goh: I'm interested in the clothes!

Me: Yeah, so am I.

Ash: You might have to think about it again, because some of the clothes that I saw were really big - even for me!

Pikachu: Pika, pi pika pika. ["Maybe just too big."]

Me: Well, that might not be so good after all. But you're in it for the competition anyhow, so what happened?

Ash: I got to the place early so I could eat out with a character friend, which almost didn't happen. The whole thing started later in the afternoon.

Me: I have to say that I kind of regret sending you somewhat early, because something happened for me personally early in the morning, and it's been hard for me to get over it - though that's kind of not related. Go on.

Ash: It took everyone a while to get ready. Maybe everyone and even the hosts should have been more prepared. The parade was just a simple tour of the place, but the performance was the greatest part.

Goh: I want to know about that.

Ash: Everyone performed for about a minute, and when I came up, lots of people cheered.

Goh: Wow!!

Me: I have to take some credit for that. We've been coordinating this for years, and it's nice to know that people still remember after a long time being absent.

Ash: Yeah! Lots of people wanted to take pictures. It's so great that we can still do that.

Me: I'm sure it is. How many characters were in the competition?

Ash: About 20 or so.

Goh: That's a lot. I'm sure they were all spectacular.

Ash: You bet! There were warriors and idols, and then there's me.

Me: Of course, I have to ask about the results. Who won?

Ash: Three warriors and a ninja teacher - the same one from last week.

Me: Hey, that's neat! I'm glad he can win, even if you didn't. It almost feels like you did.

Goh: That's a good way to think about it. I mean, you all know each other.

Ash: I agree. But it also feels like we won hearts, and that's great too.

Pikachu: Pika chu. ["Surely."]

Me: OK, so back to the safety thing, I actually wanted to send you out of town for another event on the same day, but this one came up suddenly, and it's local, so I feel it's safer (and cheaper).

Ash: That's OK.

Goh: I hear that things are starting to get worse again.

Me: That's the other part of the safety thing. I think this could be the last one for a bit of time if things are getting worse again, so be glad that has happened, and really nicely at that.

Ash: I don't mind. Safety is important.

Pikachu: Pikachu! ["Important!"]

Me: Once things are safe again, the pace should pick up again.

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