Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Pokémon Go Community Day Goodies, Round 2

Like the previous month, Community Day this month in my local area was extra special because of the gathering and due official support for it. That also certainly meant the goodies or merchandise as with last month. And for this month, those goodies are... more of the same. Even so, there are some slight differences from the previous set of goodies, so they need to be covered all the same.

Now, as with last month, I received a poster - in fact, I received two of them. The first one on the left is for promoting the edition of Community Day this month, naturally featuring Deino. The second one on the right is for promoting the edition from two months ago with Stufful. The former needs no explanation, but the latter has a good story behind it. The story is that the person who helped to make things happen - also a member of my raid group - received the stock of Stufful posters along with the stock of Deino posters for distribution, so it became a similar story as last month except that the overstocked poster is different. As a matter of fact, the Alolan Geodude poster from last month was still overstocked, so those who didn't get Stufful got that instead, as Stufful is given out on a first-come-first-serve basis. It becomes obvious that I got in rather early, allowing me to get Stufful.

Most of the items in front also need no explanation; the right item is the phone hook with the Poké Ball variant rather than the logo variant, and the middle item is the postcard "voucher" with the code for in-game items, which I've already redeemed but still choose not to show. The left item is new and unique: it's an actual Niantic sticker. If in the game itself one can obtain the Niantic sticker for Gifts by way of special events, this is the real version of that, only it doesn't have the wordmark on the bottom like the in-game sticker. I'm currently hard-pressed to find a place to put this sticker on, however, so it may be some time before I decide to stick this on somewhere, much like the Charmander stickers from a while back.

On a slight tangent, the meetup the other day was also supported by a small-scale business that gave away food packs for those who got a really heavy Shiny Deino. I was one of them, and I got one of the food packs. It's not really related to the game or the event (nor is it shown in the picture above), but it still bears mentioning as the meetup becomes the impetus for this "giveaway" and mini-contest, of which I was one of the lucky winners. Similar giveaways have occurred for meetups in other places long before official support came about.

After two (plus one) editions of Pokémon Go Community Day with official support, now it seems that I have an idea of what goodies can be expected for future editions, certainly for as long as official support is maintained. Yet there may just be certain differences, as has been evident for the last one, so some coverage could be deemed necessary. That may just be something that helps to make each Community Day unique.

Three years ago: The Path of (the) Silph
Four years ago: Go Gets Social
Five years ago: LINE Pokémon Themes

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