Monday, June 13, 2022

Yoshinoya ID Pokémon Merchandise

After going over the latest Pokémon promotion with a Japanese fast food chain that is also local, it would make sense to go into the merchandise that is being offered. There's quite a few of them after all, and prospective fans may already have their sights on some of them or even have obtained them by now, as it's been a few days since they appeared. I happen to fall into the latter camp, and I accomplished that, certainly because the purpose is to make a blog post on them, and now's the time to make one.

Of the four that I mentioned yesterday, the most accessible and practical one - at least by my considerations - is the pouch. It measures 16 cm by 20 cm, which should be enough to hold a few practical daily items. This one also comes in one of six designs that is selectable when purchasing a meal directly at the restaurant. I chose the "Blooming" design because it looked pretty and variative, though all of the designs are cool, and maybe I could have picked another, as I found that one design is rather popular. Whichever design that is picked shouldn't be a problem; finding a good use for it may be the real one.

The second-best one that I got would be the refrigerator magnet, which can only be gotten with the kids meal. I lucked out in getting the Pikachu one out of the several designs without having specified which one I really wanted, so one would have to make sure about this if one were to order the meal. Regardless, its function is clear, though perhaps the magnet might not be too strong; I would recommend using it to hold lighter sheets of paper, or just as a simple decoration, as many fridge magnets are expected to be.

Finally, there's the bowl. It's the most pricey of the three that I got, but it's very, very nice in appearance. It's a standard rice bowl from the restaurant, and it looks like Pikachu is on the bowl - it's a yellow bowl, and it makes for a statement if one were to have it out and use it in the manner of the same generic bowls that the restaurant uses. On that note, I would probably use it, but very, very sparingly to keep its appearance.

In a way, I somewhat "splurged" for these, but I like them and don't mind that I've gotten them with all their usability, no matter how sparingly they might be. Regardless, they all look extremely nice, and they fulfill that quality if nothing else. Local fans who share the same sentiments that I do must be on track to obtain some of the merchandise from this new promotion, possibly the same ones that I obtained. And when they do, they ought to find their greatest use, no matter how that might be realized.

Two years ago: There's a Time and Place
Three years ago: Chaos and Darkness

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