Thursday, June 23, 2022

2000 Posts!!!

Before going on with other Pokémon-related stuff that I want to cover, there's something special that I'd like to discuss. With this post, I have achieved 2000 posts on this blog, one for each day of the year up to today. It's a milestone that follows the one for 1000 posts, which occurred some three years ago. Now, the number "2000" is special, not the least because it's part of the (English) title of a Pokémon feature film or movie prominent around that year. It also helps to mark that Pokémon was in part a turn-of-the-century phenomenon at the time, which was also marked by some concerns with that year. That also seems to be a good framework for discussing this milestone as it happens.

The concerns of that year, which began in earnest a few years before, was that certain things would collapse spectacularly, just like the two events I've covered and participated in years past (see below) to a personal extent. Succinctly, the collapse of three years ago was rather personal and had significant effects therein, and that of last year was due to organizational shortcomings but still had personal effects; many people thought things could go either way or both ways back then. In fact, they didn't, and life went on as usual, including Pokémon, which was still in its infancy at that time. The collapse was hyped but didn't happen, while in my case, the collapse did happen, but the effects were hyped.

In a way, reaching 2000 posts leads me to perceive that I've "weathered the storm" as others did around that time above, in my case particularly with Pokémon. Indeed, the past three years - particularly since the 1000 posts milestone - have been a flurry of things, with most of that flurry being caused by other goings-on in the world. And to have "weathered that storm", all it took was to do the thing that I've always done on this blog: continue to relate to Pokémon through its happenings and personal experiences, which has worked out well even now. Back then, people continued to live, and the "storm" just passed on by; this current "storm" hasn't really passed, but at least I've "weathered" some of it.

A long time has passed since my first post on this blog, in which I stated that I might post once a day, and that has been realized even up to today. The first 1000 posts were a mix of great times and not-so-great times, while the next 1000 were marked by many challenges similar to the time of the year with the same number, perhaps with more still to come. The answer to both could be said to be just to go on living, which people did at that time without too much regard for the concerns, and now with all that has happened but with just enough caution for the situation. In either case, Pokémon is still a thing, and in my case, Pokémon is always a thing, now ready to move onward with it for many more posts to come.

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