Saturday, June 18, 2022

Cosplay: Mini Futsal Gathering & Cup 2022

Me: It's been a long time, but now here's something for us to enjoy.

Ash: Nice!

Pikachu: Pika! ["Nice!"]

Goh: What about me?

Me: You can enjoy it too, even as an observer through us... at least until someone can help to send you.

Ash: I'm sure something can happen!

Me: Right, you never know how unexpected things can be. So, this is perhaps like one that I sent you to two and a half years ago. There's a little bit of ball game (arena soccer, futsal), a little bit of characters, but a lot of fun.

Goh: Wait, so what would Ash have to do in a ball game?

Me: Oh, not much. Here is mostly about having fun. And I know there aren't any competitions here, but that should be OK for now. Hopefully after this, things can pick up the pace.

Ash: I'm fine with that. So... It really was a lot like last time. The school kids were having a tournament, and the other characters and I cheered them on.

Me: And I'm sure you met the ninja teacher coach again.

Ash: Yeah! We hadn't met in a real long time. He didn't have his student from last time, but he at least had his real students that he coached.

Pikachu: Pi pi pika chu! ["The ninja teacher!"]

Goh: Hold on - a ninja teacher?! That must have been a sight to see!

Me: I'm sure it is. That's why we've got to find a way to send you sometime.

Goh: OK, so what else happened?

Ash: The tournament happened. It went all the way to the finals, and I think the ninja teacher coach got a really good result.

Me: Well, that should be neat for him. But I guess, there wasn't anything special for the characters, huh.

Ash: No, there weren't. I guess cheering on was our part.

Me: Hmm. But I'm sure you had a good time as any.

Ash: Yeah! I wouldn't have traded it for anything else.

Goh: You know, from what you tell me, I like the sound of everything. I heard that somewhere else in your world, Pokémon has been connected to the sport.

Me: That's indeed true. Maybe the ninja teacher coach could have taken some cues from that campaign.

Ash: I'd like to have seen that for myself!

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["So do I!"]

Me: Today was still a good day for a ball game - and if it can involve Pokémon and other characters, why not.

Three years ago: On Copyrights
Four years ago: Boxes of Go-Goodies
Five years ago: There Is Only One Ball

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