Tuesday, June 21, 2022

The Fossil Cup of GBL

Go Battle League in Pokémon Go started out a new season this month along with the overall Pokémon Go season itself, and it has promised a slew of new formats (themed cups) along with some returning old ones and the usual leagues. The first of these has taken place over the past week, and it's as ancient as it is modern - and it's called the "Fossil Cup".

With a Great League basis, this format limits the types of Pokémon that may be used to three: Rock, Water, and Steel. Other secondary types that accompany these types also remain fair game, but this also leads to its source of problems, which will be discussed shortly. The point is that these three types represent the types of most extant fossil Pokémon, and thus they can certainly be utilized in this format. Yet one probably would not want to use them if only for one important reason.

That reason, which is also the source of its problems, is that even with the restrictions, this format lets in all kinds of "obnoxious" Pokémon that aren't even fossils to begin with, and they'll certainly clobber not just the "true" fossil Pokémon but also each other. Registeel is tops in this regard, and it's a Legendary Pokémon, not so much a fossil (at least, not under its usual interpretation). A disproportionate number of Water Pokémon occupy the top 25, along with outliers like Ferrothorn and Escavalier. Cradily just makes it in at the bottom of that, and it's the best out of the "true" fossils.

In fact, others and I have found that the Grass type, coupled with one of the types above, becomes a very useful counter to two of the three of those types. A personal choice of many (and mine) is Ludicolo, an uncommon Pokémon in general PvP but one that shines here, even making the top 10. With the Water type that it has, it can wreak havoc unto itself as well as the Pokémon of said types above. Such a prevalence might demand Trainers to keep their Rock types safely sequestered as well.

So, it seems by the above, this format is lacking the "ancient" quality from the fossil Pokémon, yet it's completely modern thanks to its accommodating of various and potentially challenging Pokémon. It is still an enlivening addition to this new and current season, and it's one that won't go "ancient" until its time has really come with all the battles that it offers.

One year ago: Community Day Patterns
Two years ago: Another Anime Dream
Five years ago: Resets and Redos

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