Wednesday, June 1, 2022

The Season of Go

I said in my end-of-season post for the Season of Alola that Trainers would be about to get going in the next season... and they are going to, in fact. The new season for Pokémon Go is called the "Season of Go", and it appears to continue to be specifically pertinent to Pokémon Go again, like the previous season. On the other hand, the word "go" by itself does not necessarily have to be pertinent to Pokémon Go, and it has a lot of connotations beyond that of Pokémon Go. With that in mind, much may still be discerned for this new season in similar ways as past seasons, half-and-half with and without Pokémon Go.

Traditionally, in normal years, there would be a "summer festival" of sorts tied to the Northern Hemisphere for Pokémon Go, with editions of Pokémon Go Fest in different parts of the world. Yet the past couple of years have been anything but normal, and in those years, Pokémon Go Fest became limited to a singular global edition in July, which would be next month in those years. And... this year is still abnormal in some ways, so there will be that - only the timing will be different, and it may not be as (ab)normal as one might think. Much is still pertinent, but this will have to be explained in a separate post, as the details would take over this start-of-season post, and that is hardly the intention for just a simple beginning.

As for "going" outside of Pokémon Go, the World Championships are in progress before they reach their peak, and that's a big drive (and thus "go") with not just Pokémon Go but also the usual championship menagerie from past years. The main series games are still a "go" as well with their newest installments due out late this year, and a lot of expectations may have to be fulfilled there as well, even through new info that may drop throughout this season and beyond. It may be said that its progress drives other Pokémon progress, and that's a big "go".

Regardless, today is the start of that new season, and for the next three months ahead, a lot of "go" spirit will be on display, as it pertains to Pokémon Go and beyond. There is a lot of progress to be made, many places to be involved, and much liveliness that results from those things. For Trainers who "get up and go" on a daily basis, the central idea of this season - and the season itself - might just be very much welcomed.

Three years ago: Techno-Poké-Captain
Five years ago: (Self) References

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