Tuesday, May 31, 2022

The Peak of Alola

After a long (perhaps) three months, the end of the distinctively tropical Pokémon Go season featuring the characteristic region is at hand. At the beginning of the season, I noted that the season could be quite relevant to the game and little else, but I did mention two elements that may help to relate it outside of the game; those two elements are brightness and breeziness, as well as "greetings" by the virtue of the region name also acting as a word for such purpose. That may be considered to be what has happened over the course of this season.

In Pokémon Go specifically, Trainers said their greetings to a number of species from the region for the first time ever, including the four Island Guardians. Meanwhile, brightness and breeziness came for PvP fans with an "interlude" season to take things easy within the game (for the latter quality) and to watch the best of the best take on others on the world stage (for the former quality). While they'll continue to greet the species even long after the season ends, they'll only be able to greet the current winners here and now before the brightness and breeziness of the past three months fade away.

Of course, it's not just Pokémon Go that has Trainers on the world stage; all the Pokémon games are gearing up for the World Championships again after what seems to have been a long time, and there's a certain brightness and breeziness in that. New Trainers are making new strides in new ways that would have not occurred a few years ago, including the "greetings" of five-on-five (typically) of Pokémon Unite as it continues to make strides, even as a fledgling competitive entrant. Certain prior advancements - and even throwbacks - in the previous Season of Heritage also continue to make greetings.

Now, with the peak of the season having arrived, it would be time to say "Alola!" as a definitive farewell to the actual season itself. Still, what has happened, both in Pokémon Go and out, will always linger, and perhaps will lie in wait to allow Trainers to make further strides - even with the initiative to get going. That would make for a different kind of brightness and breeziness, and would certainly allow for greetings of different kinds, as Alola becomes a past memory and the future season - starting tomorrow - begins in all its glory.

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