Sunday, May 29, 2022

Pokémon Go Event Rollup, 5/29/2022

OK, it seems that the week ahead will be a "Go week", as in Pokémon Go. Much seems to be about to go on with it, not the least of which is today, as the last possible day I can make the event rollup for this month. Relatively speaking, this month could be considered to be a minor month for events, with not very many of them. But for the what few there are, they have their own significances, and that may be considered somewhat important.

Early in the month, from May 3 to 8, there was the Air Adventures event. This event had actually earlier been planned for last year, but due to circumstances caused by current conditions, it was cancelled and re-planned for this month. It's supposed to be a collaboration with a Pokémon travel service, which makes it evident why the original was cancelled. Now, the main feature for the new edition is starkly different on a Mega scale: that's because this was also the event when Latias and Latios debuts in and along with Mega Legendary Raids, bringing with them their "signature moves" of Mist Ball and Luster Purge, here as Charged moves. A few Flying-type and adventuresome Pokémon also accompanied them in the wild, raids (only Level 3 ones), 7 km Eggs, and Field Research task rewards; some of these were also featured in a Collection Challenge. Halved Egg hatch distance and a few new stickers also accompanied the event, allowing Trainers to soar as high as the Pokémon that were featured.

In the middle of the month, from May 12 to 20, another edition of the Water Festival returned to grace spirited Trainers. This time, it involved the debut of a Lapras wearing a scarf, the Dewpider species family, and Shiny Binacle; the edition also heralded the Poni Island chapter of this current Season of Alola, so Tapu Fini was naturally involved. To go along with the event, there was a Global Challenge that demanded Trainers to catch Water-type Pokémon, which was completed and rewarded a double capture Candy bonus; Timed Research with capture objectives provided an extra challenge with nifty bonuses. Meanwhile, all the featured Water-type Pokémon appeared as usual in the wild, raids, 7 km Eggs, and Field Research task rewards. Further complements to the event were extended Rainy Lure Modules as well as double Candy and increased Candy XL from hatching plus the scarf as a clothing item, really making this a festival as intended.

Capping off this month and the Season of Alola in general, from May 25 to the end of this month, the Alola to Alola event is in play. The highlight of this event is a Special Research set with the same title, focusing on the different islands of the region and different sets of skills, which is achieved through branching paths; it is obtained by completing the "Island Adventure" sets from throughout this season, or it can (also) be purchased for direct access and/or to obtain extra rewards. Other highlights of this event are a complex Collection Challenge, Cubone able to be evolved into Alolan Marowak with Shadow Bone, photo bombs with the starters, double Stardust in Gifts, and new clothing items. As the point of interest, many of the currently present species forms from Alola (plus Cubone) appears in the wild, raids, 7 km Eggs, and Field Research task rewards, which is as usual but still necessary for a proper sendoff to the region that becomes this season's focus.

Three events might not sound all that significant within one month, but looking at the contents of the individual events, there are lots of significances within each one, moreover with this being the last month of this season. It seems to be a fitting end to the current season, yet it also seems to be a fitting start to what I can already tell is going to be a "Go week". All that remains to do is to get up and get into just that.

Three years ago: Lure Modules Evolve
Four years ago: The "Attractors"
Five years ago: A Hero Looks to the Sky

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