Saturday, May 28, 2022

Chasing Competitive Dreams

I had a different approach for the topic I wanted to discuss today (competitive Pokémon play), but I've mulled quite a bit about that approach, and I've decided that it would not be quite appropriate. Therefore, I've decided to throw out that approach and go with a different one. Specifically, I want to discuss the dreams that I and others may have about competitive Pokémon progressions. There are many such dreams, yet they may all be dependent on different circumstances and conditions.

One of those conditions is surely the games that are played to achieve those dreams. Now that Pokémon Go is included, they can surely play it in order to achieve their dreams. Some of my fellow local Trainers are definitely rejoicing this fact and definitely willing to go through any and all hoops in order to realize their dreams. Meanwhile, for other games like the TCG, they're no strangers to sending local Trainers to the global competitive stage, so their dream is likely one of repetition instead.

Naturally, for any competition, the desire is to take the top, but not everyone can certainly be there. As such, another condition is visualizing how far and high they can go. One of my fellow Trainers has been indicated as rising to the top of a leaderboard temporarily before falling off to fourth - but that's OK, because that's where that fellow ended up in the end, and this is just the first stage. What happens next, in what happens to be the most crucial stage, ought to be very different indeed.

With the different ways that competitive Pokémon may be played today, some fellow Trainers could be wondering and dreaming about the transferability of their progress to another competitive domain. This is a difficult question to answer and is likely to depend on the adaptability of a Trainer (or that one specific Trainer) to another game; given the stark differences, it could prove to be difficult, and it might be wise to stick to one domain, or two if at all possible and workable.

Everyone has dreams, and competitive Pokémon players (Trainers) do so too. Yet as competitive Pokémon play is a varied lot, it makes sense that those dreams would all be different, in particular their paths of being realized. Thankfully, the commonality of these dreams and all dreams in general is the possibility of chasing their realization to the farthest extent possible, and that's pretty much the only thing that can be done on the way to competitive Pokémon greatness.

Two years ago: Pro Job, Fun Job
Three years ago: Memories of Sinnoh
Four years ago: Helix Fossil Understands

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