Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Sensitive Parts of Pokémon

It is the case that a player Trainer is able to interact with their Pokémon and touch and care for them directly in some games, as I've discussed in an overview post some two years ago. It is also the case that they also will react negatively if the "wrong" parts are involved in the process, also as I've discussed in that very same post. These parts may be taken to constitute their "sensitive" parts, and they deserve some exploration just like the interaction process itself, even beyond the games.

Those sensitive parts might just be the same as real-life organisms, which have sensitive parts themselves. One of those parts is likely the tail, in line with other organisms that have tails. It is known that these parts are sensitive even for these other organisms - a notable example being cats, whose tails are expressive and indicative of their states and moods. As some Pokémon (Eevee, for example) are in fact or do resemble cats, it wouldn't be too far off to say that they are sensitive as well, and the case is as such, in fact. Sensitive ears are also a hallmark of such organisms, and it's not hard to consider that some Pokémon (say, Pikachu) might avoid interaction with their ears for that very reason. Pokémon is realistic after all, in the eyes of the beholder.

The body parts of Pokémon that are concerned with the expression of their elemental (type) characteristics are more or less sensitive as well. Going back to Pikachu, its cheeks are the telltale terminals for discharging its electricity; mess with them too much and the results are likely to be shocking, as has been indicated a number of times in the anime in particular - in that regard, they are sensitive. A number of Fire-type Pokémon - as the Charmander species family - also possess actual flames in some form, and these are obviously as sensitive as their real and unattached counterparts, able to char and burn in the same ways if not serving as a "life force" of sorts. Either way and along with the above, the sensitivity is quite evident.

Then, there are just some Pokémon that have totally esoteric and equally sensitive body parts.  Cubchoo is one in this regard; it has a characteristically hanging snot that might seem like a turnoff, but it's important for it, as it is a marker for its health as well as the power of its moves - according to lore, it becomes stickier. Shedinja, meanwhile, has the hole on its back as its "claim to fame", as it has been purported that one should never look inside it, lest one is likely to succumb to whatever dark realm is within that hole. In both of these cases, the sensitivity comes as a result of their "life force" that emanates from such unusual body parts. They're just so crucial for them to indicate or maintain their survivability among more usual peers.

In any case, the handling of Pokémon is still important in order to get closer to them and allow trust to foster. Even so, Trainers would still have to be careful with the body parts of certain species, as those parts may be known for their sensitivity and interacting with them in the wrong way will most likely bring about unintended consequences. Then again, that applies for any extant organism, even the real ones from which Pokémon are based off of, confirming the sensitivity all around.

Three years ago: T-Shirts in Distress
Four years ago: Trading Items?
Five years ago: Retro Rendezvous

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