Thursday, May 19, 2022

Bits and Pieces of Pokémon Merchandise

Being that I enjoy Pokémon merchandise in any form (now further, also for the purposes of this blog), I personally have no problem in obtaining them wherever they may be obtained and even in a piecemeal manner, as in bits and pieces from odd places. I've recently obtained a couple of items of Pokémon merchandise in such a manner, and what's more, they're official merchandise, which should make any fan happy, nonetheless myself. They are certainly the subject of this post.

The first one that I would like to discuss is the little things in the foreground of the photo above. They are Pokémon stickers - specifically, they are Charmander stickers - and they are part of the local Pokémon merchandise campaign that is fortunately still going on, which is good for all local Pokémon fans. These stickers actually command a good price, even though by looking at the back, their materials don't seem all that expensive. What may factor into their price is the printing and cutting that appears to be very precise, as well as its packaging and presentation as official merchandise, which has to be understandable. I've yet to determine places where I might stick them, but it is certain that if and when I do that, I will save at least one to maintain posterity. They should make for great stickers regardless of plans.

And then, there is the bigger item in the background. That is evidently the hand fan that may come with certain pre-orders of the Pokémon Legends: Arceus game... only I don't have the game (at least not yet), and so that means this must have come from somewhere else. And it does, though I can't really divulge the details of where that might be; it is perhaps better to think of it as a "gift". Origins aside, this hand fan appears to be crafted just like other hand fans unrelated to Pokémon, and it appears to be quite delicate as a result. As a collectible, I wouldn't want to fold and unfold it too often, let alone use it; I'd want to store it in either the folded or unfolded state and then just have it be for display, since it still looks good for that. This is still a neat bonus for anyone who might have pre-ordered the game as above. 

With all the kinds of Pokémon merchandise out there these days, fans really have to be grateful about what they can get and have gotten, even if they may be from different places and as bits and pieces. And if they happen to be official merchandise as with the ones I had gotten above, that would perhaps be the "icing on the cake" and a source of pride for the collection that a fan builds up. At least I can say that I've somewhat enjoyed obtaining the ones above and possessing them for different purposes. 

Two years ago: Better for the World

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