Monday, May 16, 2022

How Far Should Pokémon Be Translated?

Being that I am a translator, matters related to the field are also of my concern, just like how matters related to Pokémon are also of my concern as a Pokémon fan. And sometimes, the two matters cross over. One such matter has prompted me to discuss how far translation can be taken with Pokémon - that is, how much of Pokémon can be translated to something more idiosyncratic (such as Indonesian), while leaving the rest in, say, the lingua franca of English. It's a matter that could be somewhat complex, particularly if an example is given.

Today I had the chance of viewing and discussing the Indonesian-language translated interface of Pokémon Unite with a friend - two, in fact. While many parts of it make sense, mostly the parts that are general and not directly pertaining to the Pokémon, other parts tended to sound funny (for example, the role of "Speedster" became translated as "Pelari Cepat" [backtranslation: "fast runner"]) even if they made sense. In contrast, even with the term still kept in the English lingua franca, we could stand to discuss the aspect even with Indonesian being thrown around, and it didn't sound funny.

A pertinent aspect of this matter is adaptability and thus adaptation, which is somewhat distanced from but still pertains to translation. Using the example above, it may seem that the term needs to be adapted further, rather than being left with the expression above, even if it is somewhat literal and slightly communicative. With the term having to be necessarily translated, an expression need to be conceived that doesn't sound funny but can still work within the confines of the language, if necessary borrowing on possible influences. And of course, the new expression ought to be acceptable by those who play.

Still, there are some viable guidelines. For example, since most Indonesian players are familiar with the globally recognized English species names for Pokémon, they shouldn't be altered. The same would also go for any proper nouns that remain deeply very specific to Pokémon. Literal translation may be fine in some cases but not others, and this should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis; the parts that are especially technical may have no choice but to be translated as such but still in a manner that makes sense. Again, that sensibility is dependent on those who play in and out.

Having experienced it myself even for non-Pokémon situations, translation can be a touchy subject to deal with. But being that I'm qualified myself, I do have to address and deal with the issue, which could be especially touchy for Pokémon. Yet, translation is all about making things work - read: sound right - in different languages, and I have no doubt that it can be done even for something deeply specialized like Pokémon (Unite, in the case above). All of them remain my concerns for what I like and can do.

Two years ago: A Multicultural Cast
Three years ago: Carry On Carryin' On
Four years ago: The Living Dex
Five years ago: Pastrana and Pikachu

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