Thursday, May 12, 2022

More Online Statuses for Pokémon Go?

Since around the time that remote raids were introduced in Pokémon Go, Trainers have been able to find out who among their friends are online or offline for a possible invitation to a remote raid. It's somewhat helpful and necessary, as the status can determine who is likely able to participate in one. However, there is the sense that the online status feature is somewhat rudimentary - perhaps even very much so - and that it can stand to be improved for this purpose. The way for that improvement would come from expanding the online status.

Before going any further, it helps to explain how the online status currently works, something that I've held back since explaining about how remote raids work. At present, a Trainer can be either online or offline. An online Trainer definitely has the game open, running, and active, though there is no further mention on what the Trainer is doing. An offline Trainer either truly has the game closed and inactive, or has set the status (on the Friend list) to "invisible", appearing offline even though the game is running. Either may be invited to remote raids, though whether they can participate depends on how quickly they can react to an invitation (and open the game if it's not running). Yet the most important seems to be not the ones who are offline, but the ones who are online.

In my experience, I've been able to miss remote raid invitations (that I don't expect ahead of time) for various reasons, other than not looking at my phone or certain parts of the game while I'm online, or being offline in the first place and not being able to open the game quickly enough to react to an invitation. I may have been in the midst of a battle in the Go Battle League and only had the forethought to exit just before the invitation expires, or I might just have completed a different raid (in entirety) and cannot respond quickly enough to the next invitation. Something that might be key in these situations is the nondescript nature of the "Online" status, with others not knowing what I am actually doing while I am in that state due to the present workings of the system as above.

Meanwhile, a different Pokémon game with online statuses for friends, Pokémon Unite, has the right mind in some ways. Its online statuses show Trainers who are available (online, not in a match), busy (in or on any part of a match in progress), or offline (not in the game or else invisible). Trainers with the first status can be invited to a match, while those with the second status can only be invited once they clear up, and those with the third are inert. This system of statuses is somewhat strict yet also necessary due to how matches work, but more importantly, it gives a model that Pokémon Go can possibly aspire to. Moreover, the implementation wouldn't have to forgo some of the current workings for the online status in Pokémon Go, but to adapt to them as necessary.

With that in mind, Pokémon Go could and should be able to indicate if an online Trainer happens to be in a battle of any kind (Gym, Trainer, or raid) and/or even capturing a Pokémon, and flag them as "busy" with a status indication. They could still be invited to a remote raid, with the caveat that they'll respond after the activity is complete. To enhance responsiveness outside of these situations, a pop-up bar (or even the notification of the remote raid invitation itself) could be made or forced to appear regardless of the screen that is currently present, and that way online Trainers could know about the invitations even if they're engaged in a non-battle situation and could then respond timely. Of course, the most important would be the status indication, which would be the primary determinant for an inviting Trainer.

The online status for friends in Pokémon Go remains important, specifically for the express purpose of remote raid invitations. Yet in its simple state, it may be as confusing as it is helpful for the initiation and execution of those raids. Therefore, the natural thing to do would be to expand the capabilities of the online status and make it more descriptive for that purpose. If that were to happen, it is likely that invitations for remote raids would be more efficiently directed for their best completion with friends who are truly available.

One year ago: Three Bears
Four years ago: To Know the Unknown
Five years ago: You Are Blessed

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