Monday, May 9, 2022

Journeys Gap Ad... in T-Shirt Form

Since I've created it last year, I've taken a great liking of the design for the Journeys Gap Ad wallpaper. It's a perfect blend of Pokémon sensibilities and parodical nature, and the simplistic design is versatile. So versatile, in fact, that I decided to make a T-shirt with the design in the same manner as the T-shirt with the TLWGT design, including piggybacking on or with a friend - make that two - who wanted custom T-shirts of different designs not necessarily related to Pokémon. Our shirts shipped the other day, and I've picked mine up so I can then write about it on this blog.

Not much else needs to be said about the T-shirt. The core part of the wallpaper fits nicely as the front of the T-shirt, while like the previous design, I opted for the Pokémon logo on the back (not shown here). The Pokémon logo certainly had to be in black and white to match the monochrome design, which fortunately I had prepared for a possible use, and now it was time to use it. My friends and I submitted the chosen or requested T-shirt designs in a single order, and the rest was as above.

The print shop and therefore the T-shirt maker is the same as the previous shirt, but this T-shirt differs in a number of ways. For one, this is not what is called a "full-print" T-shirt; the design fits into a more restricted printing space and I opted for that. For two, the T-shirt material is different, being cotton instead of a choice between two synthetic fabrics, which applied to the earlier T-shirt. Even so, I could have opted for the synthetic fabrics... but that would have also meant opting for a "full-print" T-shirt regardless, which I did not desire for various reasons. The result is the above T-shirt, which I consider to be just fine.

Altogether, this shirt turned out just great. It is an affirmation of a few things: one, of my capability in creating simple yet effective designs that can apply in many places; two, of the T-shirt maker and printer in creating T-shirts that satisfy the demands of customers; and three, of how influential Pokémon has become at least in the realm of my life and beyond. It's true that I don't necessarily need a T-shirt in order to affirm and exemplify any of those things, but it's still a great reward for those processes.

One year ago: Glyphs of Pokémon?
Two years ago: Playing Pokémon All Day
Three years ago: Getting Lucky with Friends
Four years ago: A Place for VGC

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