Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Quickies: Feeling Embittered

In the past couple of days, I've had to deal with an affliction that even now makes it a little hard (though not impossible) for me to consume things that I usually consume. It almost feels like if there was somehow a way to alleviate it instantly - even if it involves one of the kinds of "bitter" Pokémon medicines - I wouldn't hesitate in perusing it, even if the affliction often can and does go away with time. Yet the latter process does take quite a while, and that's a bittering thing just as much as those medicines above.

The medicines that I'm referring to (two kinds of which are Energy Powder and Revival Herb) are medicines that work in similar ways as their common counterparts (in the above case, Potion and Revive) but they decrease the Happiness of the Pokémon. One reason why any good Trainer wants to do this is for the Pokémon to be able to use the move Frustration with a greater power. In a way, the Pokémon "feel embittered" in being able to commit such a feat, which may or may not necessarily be a good thing.

Meanwhile, I myself do not really "feel embittered" with the affliction itself, as it is something I experience at times and allow to resolve by itself naturally. However, the current affliction that I'm experiencing is of a larger size than what I usually experience, and I actually "feel embittered" that I may have helped it to become this state, even though I thought that what I did was an attempt to prevent it from becoming as such. Therefore, the "embitterment" may be justified in some personal ways.

At this point, those bitter Pokémon medicines might just be the ticket to help me heal, even if may not be completely required. It would also serve to remind me well of how I've been able to "embitter" myself to the point that the affliction is in its current state. Of course, I can always wait it out, and that might be the more reasonable solution, as in doing so, my "embitterment" with this affliction will also dissipate. Then again, a little bit of that might just always linger to remind me not to get into the same quandary again.

One year ago: On Pokémon Submarines
Two years ago: Be Strong

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