Monday, May 2, 2022

Impulsive Conscience

In my area, there is a certain object that appears at around this time of year (er, yes, related to this situation last year) that may look like an unassuming bundle but actually hides deliciousness inside. It has been said that the symbolism of the object is that the contents of the bundle represent things that are gained by impulse, while the outer sheath represents conscience that keeps them under wraps... or in the case of the object, perhaps lets them out as necessary, being that there is deliciousness inside after all. It's a fascinating object for me personally, and I thought I'd consider applying the same symbolism somehow for Pokémon.

Of any object in the world of Pokémon that fits the symbolism - and very well - it would be the Poké Ball. It's a container that holds Pokémon, which may be gained by impulse in some ways, while the ball itself keeps them contained until one's conscience decides that they should be let out, whether temporarily or permanently. The symbolism is thus present in some way, even if it may be a little different in realization - if it can be called that way. There is a sequestering of certain impulses by the conscience of one's mind, and that determines how a person progresses over the course of life.

There is also one more similarity: both of them are related by a journey. However, whereas Poké Balls and by extension the Pokémon contained within are obtained throughout the journey of life, the object I'm (vaguely) describing above is obtained at the end of the month-long journey that I also described in the earlier post above. Yet that is perfectly fine because the object is a metaphorical specialty while Poké Balls are an essential object throughout a journey. It is still fascinating how the two embody the same (or similar) symbolism.

What should be noted is that not all impulses are bad, of course; some things gained by impulse could prove to be beneficial after all, and those are the things that should be released, albeit still with control by conscience. For the bad ones - as in Eternatus-level bad - the control by conscience is to keep them restrained and never to let them be released for any reason that one possibly can think of. Either way, conscience remains important, acting as a "filter" to let good impulses pass through and keep out bad ones.

As far as things are concerned, the object is a reminder that one must have conscience to hold back impulses when needed, not just through that month-long journey, but beyond and if necessary when it comes around again. Meanwhile, for Pokémon Trainers, the Poké Ball is the reflection of the conscience that restrains certain impulsive powers from being put into play until they have to be put into play (and then restrained again).

My fascination with the object remains, just as my fascination with Pokémon also remains. At the end of that month-long journey, it's something that I look forward to, and considering the above, it's deeply meaningful. It is something to contemplate as I enjoy the object, and extending the symbolism to Pokémon, as I consider which ones I will release and peruse in the next battle. Special time or not, my impulses are still controlled within my conscience.

Two years ago: Pervasive Pokémon
Three years ago: Hit in the KOR
Four years ago: Keeping the Demo Versions
Five years ago: Cosplay Laundry

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