Monday, May 30, 2022

The State of Nominations, Part 16

Once again, it's time to update on the progress of new PokéStop nominations that I've made. I've done this for a good and long time now, and there have been certain changes each time but also periods where things have stayed the same. Apart from that, my way of reporting on their state have relatively stayed the same, except where changes have become relevant, such as the integration with Wayfarer that occurred some time ago and covered two months ago. That also becomes a small point for another bit of change this time around.

That change concerns how I've been reporting my numbers and states. I've always used my own way of reporting them before the Wayfarer integration since I hadn't been using it at the time, but Wayfarer also provides its own states, for which I can now count the numbers there too. Currently, I have 18 nominations In Queue (made but not yet reviewed), 17 nominations In Voting (being in the review process), 66 nominations Accepted (obvious), 11 nominations marked as Duplicate (being a repeat of someone else's), and 60 nominations Not Accepted (also obvious). There are also other states, but none of them are pertinent as of yet to any of mine.

Meanwhile, according to my own numbers and states, I have 32 active nominations (up by 3 from last time) plus 3 renominations, 66 accepted nominations, 30 rejected nominations, and 14 superseded nominations - the rest being the same. There's a rough correspondence with the Wayfarer states, in that the active nominations reflect those that are In Queue or In Voting - my states differentiate neither of them - and the accepted nominations are certainly in line. However, there are certain considerations I make for the Duplicate and Not Accepted ones, which is why my superseded and rejected states are different from them in number and quality.

Since the change with Wayfarer integration, I can theoretically make use of its nomination upgrade feature to promote a nomination as explained, also two months ago. However, I still have not obtained one of those, nor mark a nomination to receive an upgrade when possible, due to not having reviewed enough. It would thus be desirable to make more reviews to earn an upgrade, yet it also should be kept in mind that the nomination to be selected for an upgrade should be one that is extremely desirable, for which I haven't decided and will likely change as my current nominations progress into voting. Much is still ahead and I'd need to get on it.

Progression will likely continue in the next couple of months as I explore and hopefully find hidden gems that have not been nominated, at which point I take the necessary pictures and make the nominations later on. At the same time, there's a certain progression that I may have to deal with in Wayfarer itself, which has the potential to make the progress smoother later on. Either of these is valid, just as much as my typical progressions in Pokémon Go, which ought to benefit from the nominations that I can make for myself and others.

Two years ago: Team Rocket, Minus Motto

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