Sunday, May 22, 2022

Let's Talk About Meaningful Things

Me: OK, so we've done a "Let's Talk" on this day over the past couple of years, and that's not likely to change.

Ash: Yeah! I know what you're talking about. It's...

Me: Wait, hold on a sec. Let's discuss about it with Goh. Besides the topic over time, he's become a significant change since the past few editions.

Goh: I'm honored to be a part of this since you invited me. I'm sure it means a lot for you.

Me: It does, and that's actually the topic for this one - it's about the things that mean a lot to us in different ways. So, the primary topic of this day is...

Ash: birthday! At least we're sure of it anyway.

Pikachu: Pika pika chu! ["A great day!"]

Goh: Oh! Well, everyone has to have a birthday. And why not.

Me: That's just one of the things that we find meaningful. And there are certainly others. I mean, both of you have that one spectacular Pokémon for your journeys, right?

Pikachu: Pika pika, pika chu? ["Am I that too?"]

Me: You are certainly, but I'm talking more about the ones even people rarely see.

Ash: I know what you're talking about. It's about that Ho-Oh I saw in the sky when I started my journey.

Goh: And about that Mew I saw once when I was younger.

Me: That's it - those are the ones I'm thinking of. They have to be meaningful as some sort of sign, right?

Goh: You have to be right. Those Pokémon don't appear just every day.

Ash: I'm sure its spirit has been with me since that day.

Goh: In the same way, I think the same of Mew, even if it may be a long time before I get to see it and catch it.

Ash: Even getting to battle Ho-Oh would be amazing.

Goh: That would be really spectacular to see!

Me: See, that shows how meaningful the two Pokémon can be. OK, so by now both of you are undeniably friends...

Ash, Goh: That's true!

Me: ...but I'm sure you have "friends in high places" that you also find meaningful.

Goh: I have one of those, when we met in Johto. We met, left, and then met again. And through that, we really did find how valuable our lives are.

Ash: I can understand. I also have a friend, a photographer, and he'll sometimes go out of his way for the craziest Pokémon pictures. He even took a photo of an Articuno once.

Goh: An Articuno! That's incredible! What I wouldn't give to see that picture - maybe to see Articuno itself for real and to try capturing it.

Ash: You never know. We might see him someday again. Someday.

Pikachu: Pi pika chuu... ["Maybe someday..."]

Me: So, one friend holds the key to realization, and another possesses quite the dedication. I'd say those are pretty meaningful things.

Goh: Stuff like this you don't realize until you meet others and connect, like in the beginning when we hopped on Lugia.

Ash: I can't say that's not true. After that, we just fit in, a bit like after our first adventure - right, Pikachu?

Pikachu: Pi, pika pika! ["That's so right!"]

Me: And we've barely scratched the surface of what could be meaningful for us, Pokémon, and the course of time. For now, though, we have today's special day; even if the meaning's "just there", it's still meaningful.

Ash: Thanks, and I can't say that enough. We'll just have to enjoy it no matter what!

Goh: I like that, and I agree!

Me: Enjoy, and I'll cook up a few more meaningful things for here later on.

Three years ago: After All These Years
Four years ago: GiRL (Gyms in Real Life)
Five years ago: To Japan and Beyond

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