Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The State of Nominations, Part 15

With two months having gone by, it becomes time to update on my PokéStop nomination progress in Pokémon Go. For this progression, change is always a thing - the world changes, the environment changes, and nominations may change as well due to my and others' effects. But this time around, the changes seem to be more pronounced than ever, as they deal with the methodology of doing things themselves for this progression and beyond. That and more have to be covered in this update.

As always, it's helpful to cite the hard numbers to add perspective. Currently, I have 29 active nominations (up by 5 from last time) plus 3 renominations. The number of accepted nominations went up by 1 to 66 (from 65 last time), while rejected nominations stayed at 30, though this is because I took the effort to make a renomination while something else got rejected. I also gained a superseded nomination (to 14 from 13) by way of finding out that a very old nomination seemed to have already existed.

The reason for the last one is the most major change to nominations: now the process is fully integrated with Niantic Wayfarer, and a nominator - here, a Trainer - must be able to access and participate in the system to continue to make nominations or even changes to existing PokéStops. In my case, I've done exactly that and in the process found out the state of the nomination above through Wayfarer. Wayfarer itself has many facets and aspects, which I'll have to cover separately as they all are important.

In transitioning to Niantic Wayfarer, nominations now also have to be classified through its category system, which contains many descriptive labels for specific objects. Up to three may be applied to a nomination, and the choice has to be made carefully, as improper labeling may cause the review process to take longer or result in a flat-out rejection. The classification adds time to make a nomination, but at least through the freedom to nominate anywhere and anytime, it's just something else to heed in the process.

Nominating PokéStops isn't always an easy or straightforward matter, but it's one that is always fraught with changes, whether significant or not. The full Wayfarer integration as above is a major and significant change for anyone who nominates or want to keep on nominating, like me. Yet in turn, such a major and significant change will certainly effect other changes, especially in the realm of Pokéstops in Pokémon Go, and that may be the incentive to keep nominating and allowing change to occur.

Five years ago: Pokémon Mechanical Fan

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