Sunday, March 6, 2022

Need Some Help, Game Freak?

The announcement of the next generation of Pokémon main series games that is due out within this very same year is a big one, as was the reaction that followed from it. It also seems to be big for another reason: Game Freak seems to be bending over backwards to work on games and release them in marathon, from Legends: Arceus in January to the new games coming out later this year. To this apparent situation, I pose the rhetorical question in the title as I discuss what likely contributes to the situation and what is the fallout from it.

Once again, the issue of "industry pressure" comes into play. I've already discussed the issue around a year and a half ago with a song that is tangentially related, and now it becomes relevant again. Given the quality of the preview, I have no doubt that Game Freak is trying to keep things relevant and accessible, and that seems to be the case. The question is, at what cost? It's already clear that the fourth-generation remakes had been outsourced to allow Legends: Arceus to be all that it can be, but it seems to have also been coupled with the development of this game, or at least what is now known. The key issue seems to center on whether this is "work as usual" or still "too much work", even if the results appear to be up to snuff.

As stated above, the reaction to the announcement was a big one by many fans. Yet for others, questions arose regarding whether it is too early and whether it should be delayed to the next year. After a year's worth of work on Legends: Arceus, this seems reasonable, and the time pressure for the next generation can be relieved to make for a better game come next year, even if the announcement that had been announced was delayed to this summer, for example. However, it seems that fans one way or another will receive the new games this year with the cost of Game Freak's work paying off the excitement of the fans.

Even so, it has become evident that Game Freak's side projects have had to bear the costs as well. Little Town Hero, a variant RPG on various platforms, has been left to languish, and the game has not participated in sales events on any platform in recent memory; yet these sales events are crucial for drawing interest in this game, even with a discounted price. It becomes clear that all available resources have been diverted to Pokémon, which might be fine for that, but not for establishing a presence beyond involvement in the franchise.

Supposing that the question in the title is not rhetorical and demands an answer, and that Game Freak does need help, then Game Freak would need to expand somehow. It has to have the capacity to take on important Pokémon projects - even multiple ones at the same time - and maintain the flexibility to expand its "indie" presence as with Little Town Hero above. A little sprinkle of project management would help this along as well.

Now that Pokémon is a major media phenomenon across the world, it makes sense that Game Freak has to devote much effort to keep it that way, including for what fans want and what the industry wants. Yet, that still ought to be balanced with the notion that the efforts should be as efficient and flexible (especially for beyond Pokémon) as possible, without the need to bend over backwards excessively. Some help may remain the most appropriate thing possible to satisfy the cadence and cavalcade of games that are demanded of Game Freak.

Two years ago: Tell Me Why, My Brother
Four years ago: Bipeds and Quadrupeds
Five years ago: Ride the Pokémon

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