Thursday, March 24, 2022

More Berries for Pokémon Go?

Trainers in Pokémon Go recognize three basic Berries (Razz, Pinap, and Nanab) plus two "precious" variants (Golden Razz and Silver Pinap). These Berries may be considered sufficient for current needs. But what if, suppose, more Berries were to be added, with slightly different functions? The results could be entertaining and somehow useful to Trainers in their efforts of capturing Pokémon.

In the main series games, the three basic Berries above actually form a quintet with two other Berries: Bluk and Wepear. All five of these Berries are designed primarily and initially as "enhancers" for PokéBlocks, making them tend to certain flavors and therefore certain Pokémon Contest aspects, which are discernibly important for them. More importantly, these Berries don't have much to do with regular Trainer activities, which can be said to have changed with inclusion in Pokémon Go. Therefore, it stands to reason that if other Berries were to be added, it would be those from the rest of the group.

With that, it becomes slightly obvious how these Berries could be implemented. Despite their messy disposition, Bluk Berries are bluish purple, which almost correlates to the color of the Stardust sparkle. Therefore, they could be implemented to increase Stardust after capture when given to Pokémon. Meanwhile, Wepear Berries can then fit into the latest aspect of captures that is also controversial, which would be Candy XL. It could be implemented for the purpose of increasing or even guaranteeing Candy XL after capture; in this way, the controversy could also be lessened. Given the importance of the above situations, the implementations may just be necessary.

Rounding out the "precious" variants, another one could be implemented, which I would call the Bronze Nanab Berry. Like the other "precious" variants, it would help to catch Pokémon more easily, and like its regular variant, it would "stun" them and keep them in place for easier ball throwing. This might be more feasible to be implemented sooner as the Nanab Berry is already established, but the other two Berries above might still stand a chance should they be considered somehow.

Berries in Pokémon Go remain items that Trainers can use to make the most of their Pokémon capture, especially with the selection that is available. And yet, it's also a selection that may just be expansible, as with the above variations for Berries old and new. If that happens, their usefulness and entertainment may stand to increase as well.

Two years ago: Virulent Impacts
Three years ago: From One Path to Another

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