Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Investing in a Battle Pass?

An interesting thing is happening today in Pokémon Unite. What is called the "Battle Pass" for the game has transitioned into a new "season", which will last for the next 45 days including today. This feature is something neat and may have to be discussed on its own terms. But what is important now is that to get the most out of it, one may have to spend Aeos Gems for its additional perks, which entails spending real money for the Gems and therefore "investing" for those perks. And that may be the difficult thing to consider.

The absolute minimum that one may have to spend for the additional perks is 490 Gems, but it may not be a "minimum" by any stretch of the word, since where I am, that amount is equivalent to about 9 USD, which I feel could be spent on better things at the moment - more on this later. And once that is spent, one has to play in order to level up the Battle Pass and obtain all its perks, which depending on how regular one plays may or may not be possible. For at least one Battle Pass season in the past, I've been unable to do so because of one or two tasks that I skipped out on, even with regular play; the story might be even more dire for those who irregularly play.

The primary perk of any Battle Pass season is the exclusive Holowear (that is, "skin", certainly) for two featured Pokémon, which can only be obtained with payment - understandably so. I like Holowear as much as the next player, but at this point, I don't feel compelled to spend for them; I'm happy with either none or what can be obtained for free, as in through Holowear Tickets, an event, or energy exchange. Likewise, its secondary perks are Trainer outfits, for which I have the same reservations, only on the background side of things.

A bigger part to this is that I don't feel that I can valuate my Pokémon Unite gameplay where I presently am with it. Unlike Pokémon Go, which at this point has valuation to a moderately minor amount, I can't say that for Pokémon Unite, I'm on par or beyond that. I would suppose that I'm still at an experimentation or adaptation stage, even after five months of gameplay and the outcomes of all of that, and even my friends who back then were of roughly the same level have outpaced me. While this is natural for any game - even Pokémon Go when it introduced PvP - it seems more pronounced for Pokémon Unite in my personal case.

It may seem that the matter of "investing" for a Battle Pass is dependent on personal choice as well as the constraints of time, money, and skill. If all is fine and well for any of those constraints and the personal choice has been made, then a Battle Pass may become a differentiator that deserves the "investment". One would still have to do the work within the 45 days of the Battle Pass season to make sure all the perks are obtained, but the support by "investment" ought to be there just as much as it supports the game itself.

Two years ago: Cosplay: IAM COSPLAYCON
Five years ago: A Psyduck Headache

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