Wednesday, March 9, 2022

The Support of Fans

Fans may be considered the "life blood" of any entertainment franchise, including Pokémon as the subject of this blog. Their support is what allows the franchise to continue to generate content, which in the case of Pokémon would comprise the games, anime and related screen content, and other kinds of merchandise. It's a support that is valuable in many ways, even if it may not be addressed directly. For that reason, I've decided to take a post to address it, albeit in a somewhat loose manner.

I had actually intended to discuss the topic in a different framework, but then I realized that it wouldn't work in the scope of Pokémon. That different framework also deals with the involvement of official authorization, for which the answer appears to be somewhat obvious: being hard to impossible, as with many franchises (of games) with major fanbases and international repute, which Pokémon have. It just doesn't happen in that regard, at least not with the way that Pokémon is.

What fans can do instead to offer support is with participation in as many Pokémon things as possible in the best ways possible to furnish contributions to the originators, and then serve other fans in newly conceived ways. With that, fans can build up their contributions and support to the originators while the service to them is built up as well. Those newly conceived ways may not initially be recognized as a significant contribution, but if they can, they are all the more support for the franchise.

As stated above, what I've suggested is somewhat loose - perhaps in some ways "abstract" - but the gist remains that what is put forward by Pokémon to fans is the best thing that fans can take up to support Pokémon itself, before then making own contributions that hopefully can be recognized. They're still the "life blood" in any case, helping to keep the franchise to tick and beget wonderful things, for as long as they tick and beget things as well - hopefully like me, with influence alongside.

Two years ago: Toxic People and Fans
Three years ago: Interpretative Soundtracks
Four years ago: Father Figure?

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