Thursday, March 17, 2022

Quickies: Trees, the Symbol of Life

In the second edition of a series of posts that are meant to be relatively brief (and quick), I discussed about water as the substance that begets life. One of the forms of life that arises with the help of the substance is trees of various kinds, big and small, all with a variety of unique elements. The situation is almost similar to Pokémon species, all of them having unique characteristics even though they are all called Pokémon. It is then fitting to call trees a symbol of life, at least one of many. They're also vital for people and Pokémon alike, with some of the latter having relationships to trees, whether as places of shelter or a source of helpful items. Some Pokémon even look like trees themselves and can serve similar functions, showing how the relations can go even deeper.

Where I am, I can spot quite a few trees. They might help to provide food to Aipom or Pancham, or to harbor Heracross, which I've witnessed a few times in the past. There are a few other trees in my area, and I would think the likes of Dustox and Beautifly would be attracted to them as they pass by. Yet other trees might play host to Pidgey and assist Yanma in reproduction to beget more Yanma. Most importantly, every morning, the loud noises of what seems to be Nincada and Ninjask can be heard distinctly, which a friend says that they give a summer ambiance - and I tend to agree. They're evidently about life, and the Pokémon that I've mentioned - in real-life guises - become an affirmation of the symbolic nature of the trees.

Pokémon may not be something that exists in my world, but in its world of existence, they are among others a veritable form of life, especially if they are helped along by trees that exist in that world. In the same way, trees in my world are a real symbol of life and help (or are helped along by) other organisms. Then there's the water in both places that helps string everything along. It ought to be clear that wherever one goes in either world, one should find some form of life that is truly emblematic of that world, and I'm sure by what I've observed in mine, trees are very important in that regard.

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