Tuesday, March 8, 2022

On the Planning of Posts

For readers, it might not be very evident, but there is something neat about the posts on this blog from approximately the past two weeks, including today's. They were all planned to a certain extent and had to be or could be written on that day, whether by necessity or convenience (or even both). That's something of a personal achievement for me, as I tend to write posts arbitrarily in many cases, unless it is obvious that something needs to be addressed that very day. And that was what happened over the past couple of weeks with the planning of those posts.

The posts can be planned out "vertically" or "horizontally". "Vertical" planning occurs when there's a certain happening that recurs from past years, such as Pokémon Day (that is, the anniversary) or even just certain special days, like April Fool's Day, and a post has to accommodate that. Meanwhile, "horizontal" planning is when several happenings occur at one time and all of them deserve coverage, which would have to be accommodated in several posts instead of just one. 

Both of these processes occurred in the past couple of weeks. My cosplay anniversary and Pokémon Day are vertically planned happenings and needed to be present as such, while the rest of the happenings across the last week of February and the first week of March had to be horizontally planned because they occurred over or around the course of the vertical happenings in February, continuing into March. It's a rare occurrence, but I got a few more posts out of them to fill those days.

It's safe to say that the two planning processes will continue to go on. Over the course of this blog, I've already established (planned) a few vertical happenings, and anything that surrounds those vertical happenings will have to be horizontally planned. And there's always the chance that multiple Pokémon happenings will occur at one time, which means that horizontal planning will be necessitated regardless.

Planned or unplanned, whatever goes on, Pokémon happenings are always something regular for me as I continue to document them on this blog. Even if they might be a bit irregular or arbitrary, they're still regular to some extent and can be necessarily documented. And that process might sometimes need me to forego my unplanned tendencies and go with something more planned to cover them all.

Two years ago: Pokémon Conferences?
Three years ago: Add Hope and Tears...
Five years ago: Pokémon and Music Games

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