Sunday, March 20, 2022

ASMR with Pokémon

The hottest thing today in human perception is the tingly feeling one may get from listening, watching, and even feeling certain things, even common ones. That sensation is popularly known today as ASMR, and in line with the above, it can be triggered by different things. Pokémon too can conceivably have a hand in doing this with anything that may be enjoyed in the above manner, though of course they would have to be just the right things that can stimulate the sensation. And it may be that Pokémon has no shortage of such things.

A few weeks ago, the official Pokémon YouTube channel uploaded a video called "Bidoofwave" to take advantage of the Bidoof phenomenon. The video consists of footage of the titular Pokémon, but more importantly, the audio is billed as fitting for relaxation or studying. The kinds of music that are usually utilized for this purpose are essentially the kinds of music that can trigger an ASMR sensation, and the video may be regarded as an ASMR video in some respects; the sensation should occur over its duration of close to 10 hours.

Over the course of the buildup to the release of the Sword and Shield games, there was of course the infamous "livestream" and all that was associated with it. Beyond the associated things, the "livestream" may still be regarded as a peaceful video of the forest - Glimwood Tangle - of sorts, and thus may also be regarded as an ASMR video. Given similar videos that can provoke similar reactions, it is not much of a stretch.

Not all of the music pieces in the Pokémon games can be described as action-packed; some are downright calming and relaxing. A collection or compilation of them can trigger the ASMR sensation just as much as any kind of similar music, even ones that are not related to Pokémon. The music pieces may be collected and curated by oneself or other people, and the sensation might vary just as much as the collected pieces might vary.

Personally, I find that a selection of clips from the anime can and does deliver an ASMR reaction, especially if set to the right music - not necessarily that of Pokémon. I've recently been able to compile one of my own and find it able to trigger the sensation; a well-crafted AMV ought to be able to do the same for others.

If anything, ASMR is a unique sensation. To feel the "tingles" from something that could be regarded as common is not only invigorating but also lively. And if Pokémon could be involved in the mix, that would make any fan happy, including me. Whatever the form might take, the sensation that is triggered may just be well-deserved.

One year ago: All I Can Do, with You
Two years ago: Sad Music from Kanto
Three years ago: A Girl and a Fan
Four years ago: The Place to Be

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