Thursday, March 31, 2022

Consume and Create

In the field of media, two forces are always in play: consumption and creation. The latter allows for media to be realized in all its forms and the former allows those forms to be enjoyed. Naturally, Pokémon is a major player in media today, and it is affected by both forces all the same. How those two forces are manifested in things that are related to it becomes a fascinating matter to discuss, and that is exactly what I'd like to do in this post.

Specifically, I'd like to frame the discussion by the observation that both forces are important and balance each other out, according to someone I know. It is great to be able to consume things (including content) related to Pokémon, but it would also be great to create things related to Pokémon. In this way, one can "consume to create" and "create to consume", fulfilling their qualities and relationships to each other.

The matter of "consuming to create" is one that is pertinent to many fans, particularly the most creative of them. They can take in incredible amounts of content, after which they can synthesize what they have taken in into various forms, for example posts on a blog, a podcast, or even a YouTube channel, all of which I have some experience with at this point. Even then, any fan should be able to do what I've done with a certain amount of initiative.

Going the other way, in "creating to consume", those who are able to create content ought to be able to do so in a manner that attracts others to be able to consume not just the created content but also the original content as it's meant to be consumed. This may present the greatest challenge for fans, especially in dealing with something as big and important like Pokémon, but it's something that is completely doable.

Pokémon has a great deal going for it, including many, many things (content) in various forms of media. They can stand to be consumed, yet they can stand to be the precursor for creation that leads to more consumption, creation, and so on and so forth. Neither process can or should stand alone, and both in tandem can lead to even greater things. Given that Pokémon is fundamentally important in media today, both forces are also as such for it.

Four years ago: Mauville's Progress

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