Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Crazy for Pinap Berries

One of my favorite fruits, if not my favorite fruit, is the pineapple. It has a very characteristic sweet and sour taste as well as a distinct appearance with its crown of leaves and textured skin. It's also the namesake for the Pinap Berry in the Pokémon world, which also has a similar appearance - green crown and yellow fruit - and characteristics. It is likewise an attractive "fruit" or Berry for me personally as with the real namesake fruit, even to the point that I'm fascinated or "crazy" for it.

In Pokémon Go, the Berry has the function of doubling the Candy earned by catching Pokémon successfully. It's somewhat an important item, which makes it hardly a wonder that it's included as an item that can be obtained by opening Gifts from friends, sometimes in good amounts. It can, of course, be fed to Pokémon (as Buddies or in Gyms), though that may be a bit too precious. I personally do that sparingly and keep a good stock, along with its Silver version that now begets more Candy than normal. At least, it's a healthy obsession in this way.

The classical main series games first put the Pinap Berry in the role of one of the Berries that can enhance a PokéBlock toward the Contest aspect of Toughness for use in Pokémon Contests, certainly. The sour aspect of the Berry is telling in this regard; even some real pineapples are noticeably sour no matter how one goes about them, and they'll certainly make one pucker when one eats them. It's a unique way to augment one's resilience, and what works for people may work for Pokémon as well and vice versa - maybe, crazily.

As with its namesake, it is copiously featured in the Alola region, the analogue of Hawaii in the real world, a place that is also particularly known for its pineapples. Mallow has been attested to be able to refine a particularly refreshing juice from the Pinap Berries that grow there for the enjoyment of everyone. From what Mallow can do with it, it is apparent that anything real pineapples can be, Pinap Berries can be as well, though with an ethereally Pokémon quality to whatever can be realized, even if it would be rather kooky.

Some people might regard the pineapple (and by extension the Pinap Berry) as a "crazy" fruit with a "crazy" taste that seemingly has no place in certain things. Yet by looking a little deeper, it's easy to see that there's nothing too crazy about it - in fact, it may be more useful than it is "crazy". Personally, if there's something to be crazy about the fruit and the Berry, it would be its useful qualities as detailed above. And seeing as it is a favorite fruit of mine, I'm fine with being crazy for all things about it and the Berry.

Four years ago: The "Generals"
Five years ago: Pokémon Food... For Us

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