Monday, March 7, 2022

Working for Pokémon?

It's always the case that one needs something to do (work, a job) to support oneself, other people, and the things they do. I have one myself, as explained in a post nearly a couple of years ago regarding what I do for that in both a professional and fun manner. Yet, what if the two could be combined - as in, what if I can work for Pokémon directly or something that is tied to that indirectly? It's an intriguing possibility that deserves to be discussed.

To be honest, I actually haven't given the possibility much consideration. One reason is that being related to games and always will be, such a job is likely related to technology and involves supporting their systems. This is something that I don't have the chops for, even with all that I appreciate about technology, including that which makes the games possible. In any case, their support systems lie closer to where Pokémon games are developed (Japan, or the US in case of Pokémon Go). In that regard, there wouldn't be much "wiggle room" for a Pokémon job in this regard.

Since my "other" passion is languages, a perfect Pokémon job for me would undeniably have to involve them somehow. Not far removed from the topic is the topic of communication - which I'll admit that I'm not exactly the best in this regard, but I've had lots of practice, especially in writing this blog over several years. And it could be a natural step to follow, if the demands of the job are the same case as what I currently do with this blog and even with my "pro" job (translation) as explained. It's somewhat of a pipe dream, but it's not entirely out of the realm of possibilities.

And... I'm writing this post because I recently applied for a local position for Niantic - the developers of Pokémon Go - with some of the same qualifications, but seeing as it had not been responded, the application is likely to have been passed over. In contrast, a friend (make that two) of mine had gotten through to interviews, but it seems they've been passed over as well. Previously, I also had applied for another local position involving the local merchandise arm, but this too seems to have been passed over. It appears that it may not yet be my time to deal with these prospects.

Regardless, I'm still happy to deal with Pokémon, even though it doesn't constitute direct support for either of us. Those who can work in some capacity to support Pokémon and themselves should consider themselves lucky, as it's not an opportunity that often comes. That would seem to apply regardless of one's background and skills, for which someday it might just be possible to integrate Pokémon if all things line up.

Four years ago: How Many to a Raid?

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